Japan Sumo sports. 2022 Best

This paper explores Professional Japan Sumo sports. The paper includes the following key sections: 1) overview of national history 2) overview the rules of the sport/game and its historical development 3) overview of the cultural importance of the sport 4) overview expressions of cultural values in the sport/game/human movement,

Japan Sumo sports.

Final Scholarly Research Paper – Japan Sumo. It will be important for students to include the following key sections: 1) overview of national history 2) overview the rules of the sport/game and its historical development 3) overview of the cultural importance of the sport 4) overview expressions of cultural values in the sport/game/human movement, 5) explore how this cultural product has influenced US sport experiences and sport identities, and/or explain how a culture outside the U.S. has changed in response to internal and external pressures. Requirement: 6 pages, 10 references. APA style.

Japan Sumo sports.

A. Title Page. Title page should include: 1. Running Head (left justified, upper case letters, paper title) 2. Upper Right Hand Corner: a shortened version of paper title placed in the upper right hand corner in the header section, 5 spaces before the pg number 3. Title of Paper (be creative here!) 4. Author Name 5. University 6. Class Name & Section if applicable 7. Professor 8. Date (e.g. 4 January 2007) 9. Pg #s in upper right hand corner preceded by truncated running head title 10. Upper left corner TITLE (upper case) – this is a running head 11. Except for running head and pg numbers, everything else on title page is centered and double spaced 12.

Japan Sumo sports.

12 pt. Font only Please follow this outline below when writing paper!!! – Introduction (1/2 page.) 1. Optional – cite an interesting quote to frame the discussion 2. Topic sentence 3. Larger scope and context 4. Statement of purpose (what you will write about and discuss do in the paper) 5. Goals of paper 6. What you will cover – Overview of Nation (1/2 page.) 1. social background, with a focus on cultural values and larger sport history of the nation – Overview of Sport (1/2 – 1page.) 1. social history, development of the sport, basic rules – Overview of Cultural Values (1 – 1 ½ page.)

Japan Sumo sports.

1. Describe and analyze sociocultural values surrounding the sport and the participants 2. Relate to journal articles, which discuss in some fashion, the general nature of the topic – Relation to US Sport & Culture (1/2 – 1 page). 1. Explore how this cultural product has influenced US sport experiences and sport identities, and/or explain how a culture outside the U.S. has changed in response to internal and external pressures. (1page.) 2. Relate to journal articles, which discuss in some fashion, the general nature of the topic – Discussion (1/2 page.) 1. Summarize the main content of paper 2. Wrap up main themes of paper

Japan Sumo sports.

3. Suggest possible intervention(s) and/or social actions 4. Reference any additional journal materials 5. Final thoughts and looking forward, future areas – References 1. New page unto itself 2. APA style is usually cited: Last Name, First Name 1st Letter. (year). Article title. Journal title, vol, pp. . This is what you will be writing about: List the country you will focus on: Japan List the sport you will discuss: Sumo List the cultural values seen in this sport: courage, self-control, dedication List the time period your narrative will cover: Edo period (1600–1865).

Japan Sumo sports.

List the theories you will use: interactionalist theory List the country where this sport was developed: Japan List why you chose it: I chose Sumo because I have learned a lot during the the lecture about Japan sport. I am interested in its history and its sprit behind this sport. List 1 academic ref you will use: West, M. D. (1997). Legal Rules and Social Norms in Japan’s Secret World of Sumo. The Journal of Legal Studies, 26(1), 165–201. https://doi.org/10.1086/467992 Please find another 9 references!!! https://youtu.be/Ni-qchl5Rng

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