Job titles – Career Goals

Job titles

This exercise help you discover existing job titles that should help you reach your career goals. You will collect and post your information in the DS Careers Forum. Complete the following: List your Talents and Interests that you think make you a viable candidate for the Programming/Simulation/Game Industry. In 1-2 paragraphs, describe your Dream Job, including where you want to work. Programming Careers Left-Side-panel item contains links to programming job posting websites Research different Job Titles in the Programming/Simulation/Game Industry, Engineering, AI or Data Science Areas Concentrate on the Job Titles and not location. It does not matter that job is not in Houston at this time. Find three specific Job Listings — two that interest you and one that does not. For each of the two Job Listings do.

Document where you found the job listing — What websites or SIGGRAPH listings? Copy or Screen-capture the job listing (For SIGGRAPH ones note company and job title, since we already have the listings.)In your own words explain in 1-2 paragraphs describe this job. List the Company that posted the job listing and 1-2 paragraphs describing the company and what it does. List where the job is located. Would you be willing to work/relocate to there?. Firstly list Job Requirements, including experience requirement, software and systems, etc. Secondly list Job Responsibilities. List 5-10 skills you need for this job.

In Summary

List at least two reasons you choose this as one of your job titles. Research Paper including Internet/Other Research. At least Four (4) cited job source web-sites Three to Five (3 to 5) pages double spaced Research Paper Format Required sections: Title, Abstract, Body and References. Other sections are optional. Since the research paper is being posted on the discussion board, each section does not need to start a new page. How to Format Your Research Paper link (Science Buddies website).Need at least one full page of your opinions and concerns about these topics

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