Kindergarten entry assessments. 2023 Best
This paper explores Kindergarten entry assessments. In this course, we are focusing on ongoing authentic assessments that inform our teaching. But there are other important types of assessment that you might use or hear about in early childhood.
Kindergarten entry assessments.
Unit 2 DB: Authentic Assessment. In this course, we are focusing on ongoing authentic assessments that inform our teaching. But there are other important types of assessment that you might use or hear about in early childhood. Choose one type of assessment below and share your experiences with this type of assessment or research what is being done with this type of assessment in your state or community. 1). Developmental screenings: If you are currently working or a parent of a child and have an experience with a developmental screening, you might share your perspectives on this process if you work in a program that conducts developmental screenings.
Kindergarten entry assessments.
Share how you have worked with families to complete the screening and refer them for further evaluation when necessary. In response to your peers, comment on similarities and differences between your experiences and/or your own state’s practices. Share concerns or benefits of the approaches described. Share personal experiences with these processes. 2). Kindergarten entry assessments: Kindergarten Entry Assessments (KEA) are used in many states to capture a snapshot of children upon entry to kindergarten. The type of information gathered, and the use of the data may vary somewhat from state to state.\
Kindergarten entry assessments.
Explore what your state’s practices are related to KEA. Share your own reflections on this process. In response to your peers, are the practices similar across states? Do you find the practices in other states to be more or less appropriate? Share any experiences you may have had with Kindergarten Entry Assessments as a teacher or a parent.
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