Korean women in modern history 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing an essay incorporating analysis and research on a topic pertaining to Korean women in modern history since 1876.

Korean women in modern history

Modern essay outline and guideline 4-6 double-spaced pages suggested (must be at least 4 full pages, but there is no maximum limit) Write an essay incorporating analysis and research on a topic pertaining to Korean women in modern history since 1876. You should not cover all of 1876-2022, but you should pick an appropriate time period. You must use readings beyond what is assigned in class using primary sources and secondary scholarly works. Your essay must have a thesis statement that is effectively argued and supported by evidence. Academic writing style, argumentation, and proper citation will all factor into your grade.

Korean women in modern history

Topic: The “New Woman” period in Korea is a step toward women equality in status and power, however, in a male-dominated society, “New Woman” breaks society norms thus caused discrimination towards woman. Discrimination could be shown in some arts, publications and rumors during that period of time. Rubric: Topic and introduction: Is the topic about a specific topic pertaining to Korean women after 1876? Is the scope appropriate to an essay of this length? Does the introduction provide necessary historical context, lay out key issues, and culminate in a thesis? Thesis: Is there a clear central thesis that is an argument (and therefore arguable against)?

Korean women in modern history

Argumentation and support: Does the essay put forth arguments that are proven/supported with evidence? Analysis: Does the essay provide new analysis of the scholarship beyond summarizing existing information? Evidence: Does the essay use assigned and outside sources, both primary and secondary? Is information cited using footnotes in Chicago Manual of Style format? Conclusion: Does the conclusion do more than restate the argument? Does the conclusion extend past the scope of the essay, raising new question/ issues? Format: is there an informative, original title? Does the essay have section headings? Is the bibliography in Chicago Manual of Style format? Is the essay relatively free of spelling and grammatical errors?  https://youtu.be/Vl9WWn5icSw

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