Letter to a distributor. 2022 Best

This assignment involves drafting a letter to a distributor. Prepare a draft letter of introduction to send to a fictitious distributor (Sally Day, Distributor) within the country you researched introducing yourself, your company, your product, your interest in working with them, and why they should be interested in distributing your product.

Letter to a distributor.

Unit 2 Assignment The Letter Package. Prepare a draft letter of introduction to send to a fictitious distributor (Sally Day, Distributor) within the country you researched introducing yourself, your company, your product, your interest in working with them, and why they should be interested in distributing your product. You will make up the name of the distributor, the company, the mailing address, and the contact person. Make certain your letter meets the cultural expectations of the country you selected based on your research.

Letter to a distributor.

Research letter writing format expectations in your country of choice – business practices vary, so do your research! In your draft letter to the prospective distributor: • Introduce yourself, your company, and your product to meet the cultural expectations of the country distributor (see useful resources provided below). • Explain your interest in working with that distributor. • Explain why the distributor will be interested in distributing your product. • Demonstrate the cultural expectations relevant to the country you chose. https://youtu.be/OWjdeeHakhE

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