Literature and Gender ECLT 3045 Best

In ECLT 3045 Literature and Gender assignment we will draft aa comparative essay about mothers and motherhood as represented by two authors (and at least two of their texts) discussed in the course.

Literature and Gender

Essay #2 Topic and Guidelines. Topic In her book entitled Rhetoric’s of Motherhood, Lindal Buchanan states the following: “Feminist examinations of motherhood in public discourse have the potential to unveil the networks of power relations that sustain gender and to disrupt, if only for a moment, the system’s self-presentation as universal or divinely ordained.” In the light of this statement, write a comparative essay about mothers and motherhood as represented by two authors (and at least two of their texts) discussed in the course. Guidelines Format: The essay should be submitted in WORD format via Turnitin by Wednesday 16 November 2022, by the end of the day (11:59pm).

Literature and Gender

The essay should be in the range of 1500-2000 words (UG). Approach: The analysis should be based on a comparison between two texts by writers discussed in the course. The analysis should follow a literary approach where the comparison involves a discussion of both similarities and differences between the selected texts. Structure: (N.B. Check the Guide to Writing Comparative Essays attached.) The essay should be structured around a central idea, theme, or argument.  The analysis should be done through literary elements. Every statement requires textual evidence. The analysis can take a vertical or horizontal shape:

Literature and Gender

either divide the essay along the texts/authors, where you analyze each of the texts separately in a couple of paragraphs, followed by a conclusion that brings them together; or divide the essay along aspects/elements, where you analyze a certain point comparatively in one section of the essay, then move on to the next point in another section; followed by a conclusion that brings all the threads together. The general evaluation involves the following:  1) the clarity of the main idea/argument. 2) a comprehensive introduction that addresses the essay topic and includes an accurate thesis statement.

Literature and Gender

3) the analysis (explanation of the main ideas/concepts/aspects relevant to the texts) 4) the use of evidence (critical sources relevant to the analysis, but most importantly textual evidence from the primary sources) 5) the smooth integration of sources and quotations. 6) the structure of an academic essay: the organisation of the essay along an introduction, analysis, and conclusion; with smooth transitions and a logical flow of ideas. 7) the accurate use of relevant sources and citations. (MLA Citation System.) 8) the correct use of language and the coherence and cohesion of style.

 Literature and Gender

NOTE: Check the writing tips and guidelines on the AUC Writing Center page:

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