Literature review about compliments 2022 Best
This assignment entails writing a short literature review about compliments for the categories listed below. Sources have been provided. You can use the abstracts of the articles for content of each compliment category.
Literature review about compliments
Write a short literature review about compliments for the categories listed below. Sources have been provided. You can use the abstracts of the articles for content of each compliment category. Outline (Categories): 1. Gender/Sex – Al-rousan, M. Y., Awal, N. M., & KhazriyatiSalehuddin. (2016). Compliment responses among male and female Jordanian university students. GEMA Online Journal of Language Studies, 16(1), 19–34. Wogan, P., & Parisi, C. (2006). Compliment Topics and Gender. Women & Language, 29(2), 21–28. – Bailey, B. (2017). Greetings and compliments or street harassment?
Literature review about compliments
Competing evaluations of street remarks in a recorded collection. Discourse & Society, 28(4), 353–373. – Guéguen, N., Fischer-Lokou, J., & Lamy, L. (2013). Compliments and receptivity to a courtship request: A field experiment. Psychological Reports, 112(1), 239–242. – Doohan, E. M., & Manusov, V. (2004) The communication of compliments in romantic relationships: An investigation of relational satisfaction and sex differences and similarities in compliment behavior. Western Journal of Communication. 68(2), 170-194. 2. Flattery – Chan, E., & Sengupta, J. (2013).
Literature review about compliments
Observing flattery: A social comparison perspective. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(4), 740–758. Danziger, R. (2020). The pragmatics of flattery: The strategic use of solidarity-oriented actions. Journal of Pragmatics, 170, 413–425. – Jakubowska, J., Filip, A., & Białecka-Pikul, M. (2021). The coin that is most current is flattery? Stability and discontinuity of false praise-telling from 5 to 7 years of life. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 207. – Johnson, D., Gardner, J., & Wiles, J. (2004).
Literature review about compliments
Experience as a moderator of the media equation: The impact of flattery and praise. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 61(3), 237–258. 3. Appearance/possessions – Kahalon, R., Becker, J. C., & Shnabel, N. (2022). Appearance comments presented as compliments at work: How are they perceived by targets and observers in and outside of workplace settings? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52(8), 751–762. – Lin, L., Roberge, A., & Flynn, M. A. (2020). Appearance-based praise and criticism: does the source matter?
Literature review about compliments
Communication Research Reports, 37(4), 149–160. 4. Performance/skills/abilities – Timoney, L. R., & Wood, J. V. (2021). “You’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and doggone it, people like you”: Differing reactions to praise among people with higher and lower self-esteem. In E. Brummelman (Ed.), Psychological perspectives on praise. (pp. 75–83). Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. – Zarrinabadi, N., & Rahimi, S. (2022). The Effects of Praise for Effort versus Praise for Intelligence on Psychological Aspects of L2 Writing among English-Majoring University Students.
Literature review about compliments
Reading & Writing Quarterly, 38(2), 156–167. 5. Responses – Mir, M., & Cots, J. M. (2017). Beyond saying thanks: Compliment responses in American English and Peninsular Spanish. Languages in Contrast, 17(1), 128–150. – Mir, M., & Cots, J. M. (2019). The use of humor in Spanish and English compliment responses: A cross-cultural analysis. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research, 32(3), 393–416. – Pomerantz, Anita, ‘Compliment Responses: Notes on the Co-operation of Multiple Constraints’,
Literature review about compliments
Asking and Telling in Conversation (New York, 2021; online edn, Oxford Academic, 22 Apr. 2021),, accessed 26 Sept. 2022. – Tran, G. Q. (2007). The Nature of Pragmatic and Discourse Transfer in Compliment Responses in Cross-Cultural Interaction. Linguistics Journal, 2(3), 167–205. – Wiseman, C. S., & Juza, P. (2013). Compliment response behaviors of ESL and bilingual speakers in an urban college. Linguistics Journal, 7(1), 68–88.
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