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The Literature Synthesis is an opportunity for you to provide a critical review of the week’s readings as well as 1-2 additional resources focused on the issues you wish to explore in more depth. In this module, you will complete Literature Syntheses in Weeks 1, 2, and 3, in preparation for your Critical Literature Review in Week 4, and again in Weeks 6, 7, and 8, in preparation for your CAL Final Project. This assignment requires you to draw on information and experiences from previous modules as well as your research abilities to support your critique of the readings. Additionally, Literature Syntheses posted by other members of your Learning Set may serve to offer additional insight and research on the topic, further supporting the problematising process for this module’s CAL Project.

A key point about action research is that issue identification and question framing are critically important. Framing and asking relevant questions are some of the most difficult exercises to do in the workplace. The key themes throughout this week’s readings raise questions and issues that will help you to learn about complex adaptive systems (CAS). Three steps are required:

  1. Establish the problem addressed by managers that requires a systems approach.
  2. Demonstrate why action research emerges as a solution approach to these problems and understand why it is both academically credible and practical.
  3. See how systems analysis and action research are inextricably linked.

Once you do this you will be able to articulate in a convincing manner to colleagues and academics why the problem you are addressing as part of your research can be answered using the concepts, tools and techniques of this module.

Given this week’s required readings and your further research, complete a 850-1,000 word Literature Synthesis :

  • Critically evaluates key arguments from both a scholarly and a practitioner-oriented point of view;
  • Critiques underlying assumptions evident in the articles and identifies any new insights for practice and scholarship;
  • Extends the thinking and application of your review with additional resources and experiential analyses.

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