Long-term Memory – Discussion Paper

Long-term Memory

In your final version of the Research Paper submitted this week, you discuss relevant topics in the cognitive psychology field. Research paper directions Memory is one of the most important concepts we will study in the field of cognitive psychology. In order to learn more about these ideas, your Research Paper will focus on this area. For the Research paper, please: Provide a brief (no more than 1 page) summary of: Short-term and working memory Long-term memory structure Long-term memory encoding, retrieval, and consolidation. After describing the above, select at least 4 of the following questions below. Be sure to answer each in detail. You should have already researched many of these topics for your literature review. Include information from your literature review in your answers.

This section of your paper should be at least 3 full pages. Describe the case of the “Central Park Five.” What implications does this case have for criminal interrogation procedures? What parts of memory play a role in the related concepts we have studied? Describe examples of how odor and music can enhance autobiographical memories. How have music-enhanced autobiographical memories been used with Alzheimer’s patients? What parts of memory play a role in the related concepts we have studied? What is the evidence, both from “real life” and from laboratory experiments, that eyewitness testimony is not always accurate? Describe how the following factors have been shown to lead to errors in eyewitness testimony: weapons focus, familiarity, leading questions, feedback from a police officer, and post-event questioning.

Further Description

To begin with what parts of memory play a role in the related concepts we have studied? Secondly what is expert-induced amnesia, and how does it relate to an important property of procedural memory? What parts of memory play a role in the related concepts we have studied? What is priming? Repetition priming? Describe the Graf experiment, including the results and how they support the idea that priming is a form of implicit memory. Describe the Perfect and askew advertising experiment. What is the propaganda effect, and why could it be considered a form of priming. Consequently what parts of memory play a role in the related concepts we have studied? What is procedural memory? Describe the mirror drawing experiment and other examples from the chapter.

Why procedural memory is considered a form of implicit memory? Further discuss other memory-related concepts that play a role in procedural memory. Describe the phonological similarity effect, the word length effect, and the effect of articulatory suppression. What do these effects indicate about the phonological loop? What parts of memory play a role in the related concepts we have studied? Describe the visuospatial sketch pad, the Shepard and Metzler mental rotation task, Della Sala’s visual pattern task, and Brooks’s “F” task. What does each task indicate about the visuospatial sketch pad? What parts of memory play a role in the related concepts we have studied? The physiology of working memory has been studied (1) by determining how removal of the PFC in monkeys affects memory and (2) by recording neural responses from monkeys.

Additional Information

What have these studies taught us about working memory and the brain? How is Stokes’s model of working memory a departure from the idea that there has to be continuous neural activity during the delay between presenting a stimulus and remembering it? What parts of memory play a role in the related concepts we have studied? Describe how Daneman and Carpenter discovered the relationship between working memory capacity, reading comprehension, and verbal SAT scores. What parts of memory play a role in the related concepts we have studied? Describe Vogel’s experiment that measured the event-related potential in participants with high-capacity working memory and also those with low-capacity working memory as they were carrying out a change detection task.

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