Long-term Goal- LTAD in High School Sports
LTAD in High School Sports- Long-term Goals
Part D: Season Goals and Objectives Using this Goals Template as a guide, create at least two (2) (s) that are outcome-oriented for your sports program and then a minimum of our (4) short-term goals that incorporate goal-setting guidelines. (2 short-term goals for each long-term goal.) Be sure the long-term and short-term goals align with your team’s mission, follow the LTAD framework, and adhere to the S.M.A.R.T goal principle. These goals should be goals you want for your team and focus around player development Example: Long Term Goal 1Short Term Goal Short Term Goal B Long Term Goal 2Short Term Goal A Short Term Goal B Specific Well defined specific goal must answer the 5 “W’s” (Who, What, When, Where, Why)Measurable Know if the goal is obtainable and how far away completion is Find out when you have achieved your goal.
Agreed Upon Agreement with all the stakeholders Realistic Within the availability of resources, ability, knowledge, and time. A reflection of one’s skills and abilities should be used when setting goals. Timely or Time-bound enough time to achieve the goal. But not too much time! Set both Long-Term & Short-Term with time restrictions Length: 2-5 pages total Part E: Calendar/Periodization Plan Full Season Calendar should include all major milestones in your season. This should include sign-up dates, team/parent meetings, when paperwork is due, team gear/uniform order dates, pre-season workouts, first day of practice, Games/competitions, Championships, Post-season wrap-ups/parties. Need to show the entire season (“snapshot”) on one page. (See sample below).Snapshot/Screenshot (1 page): Include a realistic season-long calendar for training and competition.
Further Description
Sign-up dates team/parent meetings when is paperwork due team gear/uniform order date pre-season workouts start. Also end date of the regular season competitions school and/or other holidays post season play postseason uniform collections/meetings/parties what your training cycles/parts of the season are. Explanation (2-3 pages): Written plan for season – How long is your overall playing season? How many practices will you have and how many hours of practice?. How many cycles you are going to have in the season. Discuss when big/major games/competitions will be and how the training will differ from off/bye weeks. Do you “train through” competitions? Discuss each one separately and clarify what the goals are during that cycle (training goals, things to introduce or reinforce during practices, etc.)
Length: 1 page “snapshot/screenshot” of all the key dates of the season to “hand out” to parents; 2-3 pages explanation. Part F: Integration of your plan in the community. In the first part of this paper (Part A), you integrated LTAD into your coaching philosophy. For the last piece (Part F), map out your plan to integrate LTAD into your local community. What things can you do as a coach to influence change? Think about more than just your team and your athletes but in a bigger picture of how your role can play a part in local healthcare, the educational system, community sport, and municipal recreation. How can you be the catalyst for change? Length: About 2-3 pages or as much space as you need to explain your integration. Part F Submission Instructions After you have sent your Part F draft to your peer and received/applied feedback. You will need to submit your final draft of Part F to your instructor for review and grading.
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