Managing and Leading Change 2022 Best
This assignment focuses on managing and Leading Change. In producing the report, you should ensure you have: 1. Analyzed i.e., compared, and contrasted the organisations approach against a range of models and frameworks covered within the module
Managing and Leading Change.
Module Title: Managing and Leading Change. Assessment Hand in Date: To be Confirmed The assessment is one piece of work (100% weighted mark): Summative ‘end’ assessment: This will be a report style document that can be created using either: • A Microsoft Word document (with themed sections) OR, • A Mahara (e-portfolio) digital storyboard page (with themed sections) You are required to write around 3000 words (or equivalent if adopting Mahara, e-portfolio method). Your Microsoft Word document OR Mahara (e-portfolio) storyboard page should analyse and evaluate the application of contemporary change management practices/Behaviour and relevance, to the designated employer firm – RE-BUYER.
Managing and Leading Change.
You should also make robust recommendations to highlight how change management improvements could be approached within the organisation; this should be supported by an ‘action plan’ in your appendices section, to highlight how this would be achieved. In producing the report, you should ensure you have: 1. Analyzed i.e., compared, and contrasted the organisations approach against a range of models and frameworks covered within the module 2. Based on your analysis on identify the strengths and weaknesses within the organization and related this to any approaches to managing and leading change (including the people aspects e.g., creating readiness and overcoming resistance)
Managing and Leading Change.
3. Make recommendations by identifying what the organization needs to do in terms of improvements in its practices/behaviours… supported by an ‘action plan’ that clearly articulates the short and medium actions, required to enhance the organisations approach to managing and leading change. You must utilise a ‘report style’ document by including the following sections: • Title page with your name, student number, programme of study, module title, module code and module tutor name and word count • A contents page with appropriate page numbers • An introduction • The main body of the report separated by the following sub-headings.
Managing and Leading Change.
Identify a change initiative within the organisation Discuss why this change is important Analyze, diagnose and justify the need for change (discussing and using appropriate models (e.g., PEST, SWOT, Force-field Analysis) Critically debate how change readiness will be achieved. Identify and justify the approach to change (planned/emergent/hybrid) Evaluate change models and identify and justify a model for change implementation within the organisation Discuss approaches and make an informed choice around managing change resistance Debate ethical and responsible approaches to planning and implementing change.
Managing and Leading Change.
Summary and Recommendations – identifying any key operational aspects the research has produced – what the organization needs to do, to implement any identified ‘change’ – the recommendations should be supported by an implementation action plan. • Comprehensive list of references and bibliography, which demonstrates your research (these should be in-line with the latest version of the ‘Harvard Referencing’ guidelines) • Appendices (‘Action Plan’ to be included in this section).
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