Maximal Gains From Diversification 2022 Best
This assignment involves summarizing “Security Prices, Risk, and Maximal Gains From Diversification” article written by John Lintner in 1965 should be summarized in 4-5 pages (introduction – conclusion).
Maximal Gains From Diversification
Paper details: The financial article “Security Prices, Risk, and Maximal Gains From Diversification” written by John Lintner in 1965 should be summarized in 4-5 pages (introduction – conclusion). All parts should be written in your own words with clear, coherent, cohesive structure. You are supposed to demonstrate that you are able • to understand scientific argumentations, • to filter out its essence and • to summarize it in your own words.
Maximal Gains From Diversification
You should demonstrate that you can put the argumentation/approach/model into an up-to-date scientific context (e.g. by referring to the literature regarding this topic) and that you are able to discuss the related literature critically. • Do not try to outline complex arguments and mathematical proofs too formally. You should demonstrate that you have understood the essence of the argumentation. This will not work when you merely copy the equations from the original literature. Instead, work out the intuition behind a formal argument as clearly as possible.
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