Moral theory 2023 Best
Hypothesis 1 Moral theory selected .5 Double spaced Moral analysis present 1 Ethical and philosophical terms used .5 Ethical problem defined 1 Structure, grammar, spelling, organization .5 Reference page, internal citations used.
Moral theory
Hypothesis 1 Moral theory selected .5 Double spaced Moral analysis present 1 Ethical and philosophical terms used .5 Ethical problem defined 1 Structure, grammar, spelling, organization .5 Reference page, internal citations used. 1 Objectivity throughout .5 Specificity/data/details .5 Connection with ethics field trip and interview 1. Succinctly summarize the experience and how the interview went. Be detailed and specific. (Minimum two paragraphs) This experience was very eye opening for me because it gave me a perspective from a a 24 year old Pakistani Muslim woman growing up in America. It is something that I’ve never been privy to. Throughout my years I personally have never had intimate exposure to Muslim religion.
Moral theory
The conversation that we had was very open and gave me insight into my own beliefs and thoughts on morality. I feel like from this interview I have gained a lot of knowledge just from her perspective and understanding where she stands within this world. This interview was very fun for myself to interview Umara to put myself in her shoes and be able to understand on an intimate and personal level. I also want to add that it was an amazing experience to get to know one of my good friends even deeper. ● How does this event connect with the hypothesis of your research assignment? ● Describe using moral theory below.
Moral theory
This will help you with your paper! (Minimum two paragraphs) When she and I discussed religion, Umara discussed how she grew up in a strict Muslim household which involved obligatory religious acts such as praying five times a day (Salah), fasting for the month of Ramadan and charity (Zakah). Umara discussed her own personal experience with these acts which was always faced with struggles and doubt. She was taught specific things about her religion, what is good vs bad, and how a person should conduct their everyday life choice based on what God says is good. She explains how she never quite really understood why these acts were obligatory and why they were seen as right.
Moral theory
Is it because they are seen as moral, or because God says so. This can tie into both the divine command theory as well as the natural law theory. Divine command theory, which states something is moral because god approves it, and natural law theory, which states god commands that which is moral, are in opposition to each other. These two opposing theories are the questions that Umara asks herself when faced with ethical dilemmas. Does she do something because it is the morally right thing or because it is what she was taught god said is good. She questions if perhaps these things are not so mutually exclusive after all.
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