Multi-Party Interim Appeal Arbitration 2023 Best

This paper answers the following questions: Question 1. Is the Multi-Party Interim Appeal Arbitration Agreement a suitable resolution to the current impasse with the WTO Appellate Body? Is there a better solution? 2. To what extent do WTO rules adequately address trade relations with non-market economies?

Multi-Party Interim Appeal Arbitration

1. Is the Multi-Party Interim Appeal Arbitration Agreement a suitable resolution to the current impasse with the WTO Appellate Body? Is there a better solution? 2. To what extent do WTO rules adequately address trade relations with non-market economies? What are the greatest challenges in the application of its rules to such countries? 3. Are remedies for breach of WTO law appropriate? How might they be improved with a view to fairness and efficiency in trade relations? 4. Evaluate the credibility of this statement: The WTO has failed to respond to the growth in digital trade.

Multi-Party Interim Appeal Arbitration

5. Does the WTO pay sufficient regard to its Members’ ability to protect the health of their citizens? Your answer should be no more than 5,000 words (including footnotes but excluding bibliography). Footnotes should be used only to supply references to sources. Submission Guidance Your assessment must be submitted electronically via Moodle. Please ensure you include your student number on the first page of your coursework (that is the 9 digit number on your student card).

Multi-Party Interim Appeal Arbitration

Do not put your name anywhere on your submission, this is to ensure that marking can be conducted anonymously by student number only. To submit your work, open the Moodle module for this subject and then click on the Coursework Submission Box. Follow the instructions on screen to upload your work. For further information on the word limit & submission please read the Coursework Submission Guidance on Moodle.

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