Music from the Great Depression 2022 Best
For today’s assignment we will explore how music from the Great Depression, the WWII years, and post-war years were used to cultivate/evoke different moods and feelings in each era.
Music from the Great Depression
Be SPECIFIC and CONCISE in your answer, and answer all parts of each question. Think of these as short essays. You must answer BOTH of the short answer prompts below. While you must include in-text citations to course material, all work must be in your own words; do not include any direct quotations but do be sure to cite your work throughout – without the citations (even with paraphrasing and summarizing which is what you’ll be doing) it’s considered plagiarism. Your responses should demonstrate your understanding of these issues as they have been covered in readings and class only – DO NOT use any outside sources!!!!!
Music from the Great Depression
1. Explain how music from the Great Depression, the WWII years, and post-war years were used to cultivate/evoke different moods and feelings in each era. To earn full credit, you must briefly explain the themes found in the music in each of the 3 periods discussed above and put them in context with what was happening in each historical moment. 2. What was unique about Motown Records founder Barry Gordy Jr’s approach to Motown? Who was the music predominantly aimed at? How was this different? Thoroughly explain where this genre originated, as well as Gordy’s approach, goals for his artist, and how he achieved these goals for them.
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