Nurses moral distress 2023 Best

This assignment involves creating a presentation on nurses moral distress about providing care when there is minimal benefit or quality of life for the patient.

Nurses moral distress

Ethical PPT Presentation. TOPIC: needs to be 12-15 slides, references within 5 years. Nurses moral distress about providing care when there is minimal benefit or quality of life for the patient. The student will identify a major ethical dilemma in nursing facing the profession of nursing and succinctly analyze and discuss the issue using supporting professional documentation using scholarly nursing research and evidenced-based practice information. · The position presentation proposes a thesis statement. The presentation addresses the following: · Describes and analyzes the ethical issue using either the Utilitarian or the Deontological approach.

Nurses moral distress

Takes a pro or con view of the issue and provides the argument in support of your view. · How might strategies be used to prevent or to minimize conflict? What strategies might be applied if conflict does arise? (1 points) · The ethical dilemma in nursing considered important in today’s health care organization. · How might ethical dilemma in nursing alter your way of caring for patients in nursing? · The presentation lists major points in the slides, including detailed explanations in the speaker notes section that correlate to each point.

Nurses moral distress

The presentation includes videos, audio, photos, diagrams, or graphs as appropriate. · The members do not read from the slides or note cards. · The presentation is 12 to 15 Microsoft slides in length and includes detailed speaker notes on each slide. · The power point follows guidelines for P/P. Colors, font,6 items max per slide, background, etc. · Each section of the proposal provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. · Each section of the proposal is logical, flows, and reviews the major points.

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