Of Mice and Men 2023 Best

Of Mice and Men

Final Assessment for Of Mice and Men • English 9A • Ms. Nield As we consider the nature of George’s crime at the end of this novel, each of you will be responsible for considering whether George is guilty or innocent of committing an act of murder or manslaughter under California’s Penal Code.

Of Mice and Men

Final Assessment for Of Mice and Men • English 9A • Ms. Nield As we consider the nature of George’s crime at the end of this novel, each of you will be responsible for considering whether George is guilty or innocent of committing an act of murder or manslaughter under California’s Penal Code. Each of you will produce a specific product that demonstrates what you know of George’s crime and his character. This document tells you what you are responsible for: Write a 3-4 paragraph essay analyzing your view on George and his crime. You may write this as one of the characters (use “I” to speak as the character) or from the third person (use “he” to speak as the character).

Of Mice and Men

You may not use “I” to refer to yourself – the author of this essay. In the essay, use the California Penal Code to support your position for or against George’s guilt or innocence and at least two quotations from the book (with page number) are required. *Note: You must take a stand in your essay as to George’s guilt or innocence. Other requirements: Times New Roman, 12 Pt. Font Heading Title The assessment is worth 75 points. In order to receive full credit for this assignment, you must meet all the criteria below Concerns Areas that Need Work Criteria Standards for This Performance Advanced Evidence of Exceeding Standards.

Of Mice and Men

Criteria #1: Maintains a clear focus; exhibits a logical and coherent structure through appropriate transitions. Criteria #2: Sufficiently developed content with adequate elaboration or explanation. Sufficient use of examples from the text. Criteria #3: Evidence of excellent insight into the inner workings of the text along with sufficient explanations of ideas. Criteria #3: Quotations (two) are properly embedded, and citations are accurate. Works Cited is included. Criteria #4: Written work is neat and shows evident thought and planning. There are no grammar or spelling errors.  https://youtu.be/2GJIDR9J5eg

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