Operation Varsity Blues – The College Admissions Scandal

Operation Varsity Blues – The College Admissions Scandal

Persuasive Speech (Policy Speech) Assignment Your third speech is a Policy speech. It is a specialized type of persuasive speech. In it you will accomplish two tasks. First, you will select a topic that allows you to advocate a change to existing public policy/behavior; create a new public policy; or, reinforce a current policy being debated today. Second, you will prepare a brief speech advocating for your policy. The Policy speech will be 5 to 6 minutes in length. Your evaluation is broken down into four large sections: strategic organization of content; preparation and presentation of content; delivery skills, all of which were evaluated last time; and, new to this speech, a section on the argument and policy. To complete this speech successfully, you will execute these large steps in the speechmaking process:1) Topic selection, confirmation of speech purpose, summary of speech topic, and identify a primary expert Research and development of the content for the speech2) Practice and preparation for the oral presentation. The “topic selection” phase is first. It involves several steps that will be summarized in a post to the appropriate discussion forum on the class Blackboard site (found using the “graded assignments” menu link; find the “speech submission folder,” open the “persuasive (policy) speech” folder, and then use the topic forum link; or, use the “topic selections go here” menu link).1. Select a topic.2. Research THREE (or more) documents that assist you in discovering information about the selected topic. These resource documents must be current within the last 2 years (if possible; if not, student must justify, in their speech and the annotation for the bibliography, why they are using an older resource. Create an annotation for each – an annotation is a 25- to 50-word summary of the “central idea” and the resource’s relevance to your speech. Do this before you submit your topic, but do not include in the topic submission.3. Identify a primary expert (not necessarily the author of any resource) who can guide your learning.4. Identify an organizational strategy that best suits the purpose of your speech (given what you have learned).5. Using this information, craft a policy proposal about the changed, reinforced, or new policy.6. Create claim statements based on your organizational structure (usually 2 or 3 claims).7. Face-to-Face classes: do not repeat topics already posted. You will not receive credit for your submission if you do so. Online classes: avoid topics already posted; similar topics with clearly different proposals are okay (they should have different experts).Bibliography, Additional Source Materials, and Resource Analysis is next.8. Create claim statements based on your organizational structure (usually 2 or 3 claims).9. Fact-check your research: confirm the validity of each claim in your speech by finding two additional resources NOT used so far. These are listed in an “additional source materials” section of the bibliography (and is required). You must have 3+ primary resources.10. Include in the “additional source materials” section of the bibliography ANY original resource that is incomplete (and thus cannot be used as one of your three, or more, primary sources), or non-academic or non-professional resources referenced while doing research. Include annotation. Complete bibliographies must include an author, a date of publication, a host resource (name of the website, publication, etc.), title of the resource, and a working URL/link for research completed using the internet.11. Perform resource analysis on the three most important bibliographic entries (see sample below).

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