Operations Management 2020 and Beyond
Operations Management 2020 and Beyond
Operations Management 2020 and Beyond Technology supports operations large and small worldwide. Staying up to date on what tools are available for managers is crucial to maintain an advantage in the workplace. Let’s make this assignment personal and research how you can remain ahead of the curve when it comes to your career after earning a graduate degree. Case Assignment For this case, you will deliver a presentation on the future of operations management. You may tailor applications to your job/past employment or a career you would like to have in the future, or decide to keep the content general. Main Topics that students must address:• Operations Management Trends. Software and Technology Supporting the Industry Presentation Script. Create a 450- to 500-word script to accompany the presentation.
It should be informative and targeted at those who help support operations in your chosen scenario. It can be written in a professional conversational style (use first-person), but since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the script and add a reference list in APA format. Video Presentation• Video yourself presenting the 3–3½ minute interview video. Set your digital camera to record your face and upper torso. This will allow the viewer to see your hand gestures and facial expressions. Do not read your script. Your video should be 3-3 ½ minutes. Content beyond 3 ½ minutes or 500 words will not be considered for grading. You may upload your video to the classroom if it is not too large. Video Files uploaded to YouTube: Set as public or unlisted, NOT PRIVATE. Consequently unlisted means your video will not come up in search results.
Further Description
Only those who know the link can view it, even if they do not have a YouTube account/username. These files are all large and it will often take time to upload to the classroom. If you have slow internet, you may time out. Plan ahead. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite in the script and reference the sources in APA format. The paper may be written in first or third person; this means words like “I”, “we”, and “you” are appropriate. The excessive use of quotes or unoriginal content will directly impact performance since it suggests lack of comprehension and also indicates that a student may not have mastered the concepts.
Module 4 Case Background Readings Systems Engineering: Enabling Operations Management (21 pages) By Henry Lester Influence of Strategic Technology Management on Smart Manufacturing: The Concept of ‘Smart Manufacturing Management’ (21 pages) By Arif Sikander Assignment Expectations Use the attached APA-formatted template CASE SCRIPT to create your submission. Your submission will include:• The 500-word script with APA citations• The reference list page in APA format• Video Link (or Video file)
Attached Files