Overprescribing/Misuse of Antibiotics. ENGL 2311 Best

This assignment focuses on overprescribing/Misuse of Antibiotics. Requirements: • 8 page recommendation report The title page will not be included in your page count. You may include the abstract as part of your page count.

Overprescribing/Misuse of Antibiotics.

ENGL 2311 – Fall 2022 English Technical Writing Topic Overview. Overprescribing / Misuse of Antibiotics, should people be forced to let their body naturally fend off infections and sickness to ensure we the infections do not become drug (Antibiotic) resistant? Note: Please do not turn this into an ethical recommendation/proposal, it will need to evaluate the risk and present the recommendations based on fact. Requirements: • 8 page recommendation report The title page will not be included in your page count. You may include the abstract as part of your page count. 10 /

Overprescribing/Misuse of Antibiotics.

Cover page, abstract (200 words or less), and header correctly formatted APA Style (see p. 449-465 in textbook and visit Purdue OWL); also see “Writing the Front Matter” p. 346 in textbook. *You DO NOT need an executive summary. 10 / _____________ 8-10 pages, Font (12pt Times New Roman), DS, and 1” margins (This does not include the cover page or reference page, but it does include the abstract) 15 /.  Introduction effectively provides overview and scope of problem using a clear organization method, such as comparison/contrast or cause and effect (or others) that shows evidence of audience awareness (p. 299 for introducing a proposal might help you with ideas to include in your introduction);

Overprescribing/Misuse of Antibiotics.

You are writing a recommendation report, but some proposal components are included in the introduction of a recommendation report, such as purpose, background of problem and opportunity, the scope, source overview, and key terms. You might need an extended definition to describe the problem/issue; see ch. 14, pp. 381, 384, and 385-388. 10 / ____________ Visual included and effective and strategically placed to support argument; 15 / ____________ Organization, structure, logical development, and style appropriate for college level writing (NOTE: your report will be organized more like a research paper with sections appropriately titled based on your research findings.

Overprescribing/Misuse of Antibiotics.

I don’t anticipate anyone having tasks, as on the sample recommendation report in the textbook found on pp. 367-369) 10 / ____________ Tone (argumentative but respectful), style and phrasing 10 / ____________ Grammar, mechanics, and sentence structure and phrasing (diction –how you phrase your thoughts) 10 / ____________ Conclusion (effectively sums up the issue, problem, and how the recommendation will or can contribute to a solution—not necessarily solve the problem) 10 / ____________ Reference page correctly numbered and formatted.https://youtu.be/7BIF2WIh4kk


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