Patient rights during nursing care 2022 Best
The purpose of this assignment is for students to understand patient rights during nursing care to promote best nursing practices. It is intended that this assignment will promote a deeper understanding of how evidence may be used to guide nursing practice.
Patient rights during nursing care
Paper details: The paper must include the following: 1. Introduction – Background information about how patient rights influence nursing practice and the purpose of paper – The purpose of this assignment is for students to understand patient rights during nursing care to promote best nursing practices. It is intended that this assignment will promote a deeper understanding of how evidence may be used to guide nursing practice. • Main content: Case Study 1 content Case Study 2 content • Conclusion Case Study 1: Patient Rights People with psychiatric problems are vulnerable to mistreatment and abuse, laws have been passed that guarantee them legal protection.
Patient rights during nursing care
These laws offer protection of self-determinism, protection against discrimination in employment, and protection against mistreatment in health care settings (Boyd & Luebbert, 2020) Case Study I: Patient Rights and Legal Issues Concepts (Covers Week 5 Material) Concept 1: Consider the relationship of self-determination to competence by differentiating patients who are competent to give consent and those who are incompetent. Discuss the steps in determining whether a patient is competent to provide informed consent for a treatment. Concept 2: Define competency to consent to or refuse treatment and relate the definition to the Self-Determination Act.
Patient rights during nursing care
Concept 3: Discuss the purposes of living wills and health proxies. Discuss their use in psychiatric- mental health care. Concept 4: Identify the legal and ethical issues underlying the Tarasoff case and mandates to inform. Concept 5: Compare the authority and responsibilities of the internal rights protection system with those of the external advocacy system. (Give an example of each, i.e. internal rights protection vs external advocacy system). Concept 6: Describe the differences between UST (Unfit to stand trial), NGRI( Not guilty by reason of insanity), and GBMI (Guilty but Mentally Ill). Give an example of a famous trial outcome using each criminal judicial process (UST, GBMI, and GBMI).
Patient rights during nursing care
Concept 7: Discuss the legal liability in psychiatric nursing practice Concept 8: Discuss HIPAA and Protection of Health Information versus Mandates to Inform Case Study II: Schizophrenia Case Study (Covers Week 6 material) Write 2-3 paragraphs addressing the schizophrenia questions below: Scenario I: Mr. J. has just received a diagnosis of schizophrenia. During a recent outpatient visit, he confides to a nurse that he just has stress and does not think that he really has any psychiatric problems. Identify assessment areas that should be pursued before the patient leaves his appointment. How would you confront the denial (Townsend, 2015, p. 370) ?
Patient rights during nursing care
Scenario II: Discuss how therapeutic communication might have to change when working with a person with schizophrenia who is displaying primarily negative symptoms. How will you deal with the person’s diminished response to you (both verbally and emotionally) when you are teaching or giving instructions for activities? How will you help the person compensate for some of his or her cognitive deficits (Townsend, 2015, p. 370)? Scenario III: Ms. R. was prescribed olanzapine (Zyprexa) for schizophrenia one month ago. Since her last monthly visit, she has gained 15 pounds. She is considering discontinuing her medication regimen because of the weight gain.
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