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Casebook Assignment #4: Pedophiles and Sex Crimes Assignment due: Week 10 Value of Assignment: 10% of final grade. See Evaluation below for the rubric and policy for late assignments.

Pedophiles and Sex Crimes

Casebook Assignment #4: Pedophiles and Sex Crimes Assignment due: Week 10 Value of Assignment: 10% of final grade. See Evaluation below for the rubric and policy for late assignments. Passing Grade: 55% Format: Short Essay Overview The purpose of this assignment is to help you to consider the connection between mental illness, pedophilia and how it leads to abuse/crimes. Your work on this assignment should demonstrate your understanding of and reflection on this week’s course content, with a special emphasis on the research presented in the article Psychopathology and Personality Traits of Pedophiles.

Pedophiles and Sex Crimes

Your casebook assignment will be scored according to its organization, clarity, use and understanding of evidence, and overall effect. Review the rubric for this assignment. During the weeks in which you must complete a casebook assignment, there will be an optional discussion activity to help you prepare for it. Participation in these activities is strongly encouraged. Related Course Outcomes Completing this assignment supports the following course learning outcomes: Outline how psychological development, social learning, and biology contribute to pedophilia and molestation of children. Identify tools and methods used by criminal psychologists to investigate, assess, and rehabilitate pedophiles.

Pedophiles and Sex Crimes

Directions Answer the following questions: What are your views on pedophiles? Do you look at them as dangerous offenders and criminals only? Do you view them as being mentally ill? Should the justice system treat pedophiles differently by treating them while they are still incarcerated? Is it realistic to expect pedophiles to come out of prison and behave differently if they have not been treated? Proceed to organize your thoughts according to the following structure: a. Introduction – Provide an introduction to your essay and your views on pedophiles. Be sure to include a proper thesis statement.

Pedophiles and Sex Crimes

b. Analysis – Answer the questions provided using supporting evidence from the course and your own observations. c. Conclusion – Summarize your general conclusions and outstanding questions. This is formal academic writing and should follow the general rules for academic writing. Write in full sentences and paragraphs. Be sure to cite sources using APA@Conestoga or the Purdue OWL webside. This short essay should be a minimum of 500 words (or two pages double-spaced) up to a maximum of 750 words. Use Times New Roman 12-point font in black ink only. Submit your completed Casebook assignment to the Casebook Assignment #4 submission folder by the last day of Week 10 at 11:59pm.

Pedophiles and Sex Crimes

You will find directions for how to upload these documents when you access the appropriate submission folder. Ensure you include at least 2 external sources that you properly cite using in-text citations which correspond to your reference list. Tips for Writing Success If you are new to writing essays at college or just want some tips, the Learning Commons at Conestoga College has put together a toolkit to help you out. Here are some other helpful resources from the Purdue Online Writing Lab: · The Writing Process · Understanding Writing Assignments · Tips for Writing an Argument Paper · Style, Genre & Writing The School of Liberal Studies uses APA@Conestoga for citing sources in essays.

Pedophiles and Sex Crimes

This excellent resource from Conestoga College will answer many of your questions. I recommend starting assignments as early as possible. If you have any questions about your assignments, please contact me as soon as possible. Other Points of Note · Do not use any pictures! Pictures should not be included in formal essays. · You can include charts that you create or reference. · You should write from an objective or third-person point of view (i.e., do not write from a first-person perspective, as in “I think…”).

Pedophiles and Sex Crimes

Evaluation The rubric for assessing this assignment is available as a PDF under Course Tools > Rubrics > Casebook Assignments (2, 3, and 4) Rubric. Policy for late assignments: If an extension has not been approved by the instructor prior to the due date, 10% of the assignment’s value will be deducted daily. After 5 days of being late, the assignment will no longer be accepted.

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