Philosophical ideas and theories. 2022 Best
This paper explores philosophical ideas and theories. Instruction for the Final Research Paper A research paper is due on the last day of the class (see D2L for specific time and submission instructions). The basic requirements for the paper: 1300 words,
Philosophical ideas and theories.
Instruction for the Final Research Paper A research paper is due on the last day of the class (see D2L for specific time and submission instructions). The basic requirements for the paper: 1300 words, double-spaced, with times new roman fonts size 12. Chicago style (footnotes, bibliography); information of course title and no./sec. no. The paper should be submitted on D2L assignment section before the deadline instructed. The paper has to address one of the texts we study during the semester (not including free topic discussion themes or the group project themes). Failure to do so will result in a failing grade for your paper.
Philosophical ideas and theories.
The paper should also include at least three external sources for reference. Please find some general guidelines for the research paper below. General Remarks There are two major approaches to write a research paper. The first approach is to “interpret” some major and important philosophical ideas and theories. See for example Philips Ivanhoe’s article on “Mengzi’s Conception of Courage” (– Sample 1, attached). The second approach is to make an “argument” with regard to certain philosophical ideas and theories. See Huaiyu Wang, “What is the Matter with Conscience – A Confucian Critique of Modern Imperialism” (- Sample 2, attached).
Philosophical ideas and theories.
The first section of this paper, for example, develops an argument that the denigration of Chinese culture in modern West demonstrates an ideology of imperialism. Note that while you can write your paper by adopting only one of the two approaches, these two approaches are oftentimes woven together in the development of a research paper. First, be aware that for any philosophical theories and ideas, there are usually a range of different interpretations. Thus, on developing your interpretation of the theory or idea, you are also required to consider at least some other ways of interpretation as presented in the text and external sources.
Philosophical ideas and theories.
If your interpretation agrees mostly with the other interpretations, you may treat your paper as an extension and development of previous scholarship. If there are some points in the other interpretations with which you disagree, then you may need to provide evidence (example, reasoning, textual sources etc.) in order to argue that your way of interpretation is valid and justified. By the same token, a research paper focused on making an argument may well require the work of careful and valid interpretation. For example, it is appropriate to make an argument against Freud’s theory of childhood sexuality.
Philosophical ideas and theories.
But in order to do so, you must give an accurate and full-fledged “interpretation” of Freud’s theory first. Without fair and accurate interpretations of the ideas and theories involved, it is impossible to make a valid and cogent argument. Thus, a research paper would be wrong-headed if it criticizes Freud’s theory of childhood sexuality by arguing that the sexual organs of children are not mature and it is impossible for children to have sex. Because the meaning of Freud’s theory does not presuppose the actual sexual activities of children, but only the satisfaction of sexual wishes by various symbolic means such as thumb sucking and rocking.
Philosophical ideas and theories.
Use of Secondary Sources The research paper should include at least 3 external sources. Except for the encyclopedic sources that you may find in the guideline for secondary sources, you are encouraged to explore academic journal articles and books that are available in GCSU library. For journal articles, go and search the Philosophy and Religion Database/Academic Search Complete Database under the Galileo/Arts and Humanities/Philosophy link. Also, be careful and critical with the reliability of external sources.
Philosophical ideas and theories.
The accounts and views from different sources may well be in disagreement with each other. Good judgment is required in your use and appraisal of external sources. Bear in mind that information from non-academic web sites (such as Wikipedia or other unrecognized web sites) is not regarded as reliable in general and their usage requires discretion and justification.
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