Virtuous Individual – Philosophy Paper
Philosophy Paper- Virtuous individual
In essay format, fill in the provided outline (provided the second week of class). The paper should be 3 pages, have clearly-marked paragraphs corresponding to each of the following section headings. Use 12-point font, standard margins, and double-spacing. The point of this exercise is to practice producing clear, accurate, and in places, well-defended responses. Do not use outside sources. You are welcome to quote from any work of any of the authors we’ve read, but you need not do this so long as you explain things clearly and I know where you’re getting your information. If you choose to quote, please don’t throw block quotes at me without any explanation of them. They don’t explain themselves, you know.
Cite any quotes simply by putting the fragment or page number at the end of the quote—e.g. “I hold you back from this path, that ‘it is not!’”(Parm. fr. B6), or (Physics 193b7), etc. You need not create a bibliography or title page. This paper will focus upon the spectrum of character and the factors involved in action judgment. a. Introduction: briefly introduce the spectrum of character and the fundamental role of action in character-building. Then state how the ability to judge the act, the circumstances and the motive results in the natures displayed in the spectrum. b. Thesis: The ability to judge an action based upon the nature of the act itself, the circumstances and the motive is fundamental in the acquisition of a virtue or vice.
Further Description
c. Body: a. Describe the spectrum of character (ch. 7) i. Define:1. Vicious individual 2. Weak willed individual 3. Self-controlled individual4. Virtuous individual ii. Pick any virtue (p. 90 has a good list) and: Define it Discuss how it changes depending on the type of person mentioned in (a) above. b. Discuss the moral nature of an action in itself, the role of circumstances in the goodness of an action, and the role of motive (ch. 10):i. Discuss how some acts are evil in themselves and some acts are good in themselves regardless of the circumstances and provide an example.
ii. Describe the 8 circumstances (p. 129)iii. Discuss how these circumstances can affect the degree of goodness and provide an example. iv. Discuss how they can transform a good act into an evil act and provide an example. v. Consequently discuss why motive is the most important circumstance. c. Synthesis: Discuss how the judgment of actions is fundamental in character-building or character destruction. d. Conclusion Materials: Living the Good Life by Jensen Steven.
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