Police Funding In Texas – Writing Assignment
Police Funding In Texas
The Issue: The Austin City Council unanimously voted to cut its police department budget by $150 million on Thursday, after officers and the city’s top cop faced months of criticism over the killing of an unarmed Black and Hispanic man, the use of force against anti-police brutality protesters and the investigation of a demonstrator’s fatal shooting by another citizen. Gov. Greg Abbott is considering a legislative proposal that, if passed, would put the control of the Austin Police Department under state authority. Gregg Sofer, a newly appointed U.S attorney for the Western District of Texas, said in a statement, “When you defund the police, relax enforcement of existing criminal law, and release repeat offenders and violent criminals into our streets, increased violence is exactly what you can expect.”
(Texas Tribune, 2020). https://www.texastribune.org/2020/08/13/austin-city-council-cut-police-budget-defund/The Format: Papers must have 5 pages of narrative, not 4 ½ pages. 12 point font, double-spaced, standard one inch margins, no extra spaces, between paragraphs. Your paper must have a cover page and reference page that is not included within the 5 pages. A paper’s content is essential but please keep in mind that this is a college level paper and so ensure that the paper is free from spelling or grammatical errors. Worth 100 points. The Citations: Documentation must follow the APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines. APA can be labor intensive, please allow yourself time to adhere to all APA guidelines. See the following resource: (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/).
Further Description
Cite all of your sources from the internet using the following APA guidelines. In addition, no Wikipedia, Abstract Required. Sources: There are NO minimum number of sources you should have for this paper as I would like this paper to be driven by quality and not an arbitrary amount of sources. Required Elements:1) Historical Background: When did this conversation about Austin police funding start? What prompted the conversation and what city leaders were in support and was their opposition? 2) Proposal: Outline the actual proposal say? Explain the budget cuts. What was being cut and where was the money being allocated? What was the time frame to implement the cuts (when did they start)? 3) Texas Cities Response: Many Texas cities responded to this endeavor.
Choose 2 Texas cities and explain how they have responded to the police defunding issue.4) Governor Abbott’s Response and Plan: Governor Abbott has been vocal about this issue formally and informally through his Twitter account. Explain his argument and what he intends to do and his rationale.5) Political Climate: Use your textbook: Inside Texas Politics (Chapter 1-The Struggle for Texas) See the 3 political cultures: Individualistic, Moralistic and Traditionalistic and explain how police defunding fits into one, a combination or all of the cultures.6) Analysis: This is the portion of the paper that I would like to hear from you about this issue. Indeed, this is controversial and there are many element to this current conversation.
Additional Directions
Please answer the following: What are the strengths ad weaknesses of the Austin Police Department defunding. What do you think of the federal government involvement? Governor Abbot said he would introduce legislation regarding this, has he? If so, what type of legislation? Please check: Texas Legislature Online. Please make an attempt to explain the Republican and Democratic stances on this issue. With whom to do you agree? Why or why not?
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