Possibilities in educational technology. 2022 Best
This paper explores challenges and possibilities in educational technology. In this 8-10-page paper, you will explore emerging themes in the field of educational technology and elucidate educator perspectives in order to project future directions while grappling with several current issues facing the field.
Possibilities in educational technology.
CHALLENGES AND POSSIBILITIES PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Paper details: CHALLENGES AND POSSIBILITIES PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS In this 8-10-page paper, you will explore emerging themes in the field of educational technology and elucidate educator perspectives in order to project future directions while grappling with several current issues facing the field. By asking leaders in the field of educational technology, the Horizon Report conducts annual research to gauge future developments for technologies, project those that will likely impact teaching and learning, and determine when these are likely to be adopted for use in classrooms.
Possibilities in educational technology.
Using your textbook, recent editions of the Horizon Report, information gleaned from Gartner’s Hype cycle, and recent scholarly literature you will map the current landscape, look into the future, and predict three trends that are likely to have a significant impact and what these trends will likely mean for teachers and for students. The paper must be supported by at least 11 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook Schrum, L. (2018). Learning supercharged. International Society for Technology in Education. . Sources should be within 5 years. The paper must be submitted as a Word document in APA 7th edition format.
Possibilities in educational technology.
Rubic Current Landscape, Recent Developments and Issues Advanced The candidate provides a rich overview of the current landscape in the field of educational technology, providing solid detail. Recent developments are well described and resulting issues identified. Organization Advanced The learner provides a paper that displays good practices in research writing, including an abstract, a well-formed thesis, logical organization of content, and a well-written introduction and conclusion. Synthesis-Emerging Trends, Future Directions, and Safeguards Advanced The candidate identifies emerging trends and related challenges facing the field of educational technologists.
Possibilities in educational technology.
The candidate predicts future directions, garners educator perspective, and identifies safeguards and best practices for how challenges can be addressed. Mechanics Advanced The learners’ presentation is professional and relatively free from APA, grammar, and spelling errors. Universal design principle is applied. Length and Terminology Advanced The paper is more than 8 pages in length and the candidate demonstrates appropriate use of the key terminology from the field of educational technology. 2 References Advanced The learner uses the appropriate number of references to support their assertions.
Possibilities in educational technology.
Citations and references are in correct APA 7th edition format, and citations match in the body and in the reference section and vice versa. References are provided via a document presentation format. No plagiarism No posting or selling the paper Reading Assignment Chapter 8 Schrum, L. (2018). Learning supercharged. International Society for Technology in Education. Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to: ● Explore emerging themes in the field of educational technology.
Possibilities in educational technology.
Discuss current issues facing the field and how these might best be addressed using ethical and best practices. ● Synthesize concepts in the area of technology use for educational practice Read: Educators’ Perceptions of Technology Integration into the Classroom – A Descriiptive Case Study Links to an external site. Read: Future Directions in Education Systems for the 21st Century Links to an external site. https://youtu.be/9IbN1LxXevM
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