Practice Evaluation Report. 2022 Best
This assignment involves writing a practice evaluation report. Paper details: Abstract (10) You should start on a fresh page for the abstract. The abstract should identify the purpose of the research, a brief description of the methodology, a notated research design, and data collection procedures used in the study, the results, and the implications of the study.
Practice Evaluation Report.
Paper details: Abstract (10) You should start on a fresh page for the abstract. The abstract should identify the purpose of the research, a brief description of the methodology, a notated research design, and data collection procedures used in the study, the results, and the implications of the study. The abstract should read no longer than 120 words and should be on a single page. Please indicate the number of words. There will be a 3-point deduction if the number of words is not included. The abstract should be consistent with APA 7 th edition formatting. Results (35) In this section, you will present the data collected and describe the results of the research. How did the independent variable(s) affect the dependent variable(s)?
Practice Evaluation Report.
Describe the outcomes of the study by performing a visual, statistical, and descriptive analysis of the data. Please use the headings provided in this section. 1. Descriptive statistics – Use descriptive statistics to summarize the data from the different phases of the study (see table below). For example, in a B-C-D design, the table should cover descriptive statistics (mean, mode, median) and variability (range and standard deviation) of each phase of the study as well as the overall descriptive statistics for the entire study. If you are placing the table in the appendix, be sure to reference this in the text.
Practice Evaluation Report.
After presenting the data in a table, you should interpret the statistics and answer the research question or questions of the study. What were the general trends of the data? Include in the appendix, SPSS printouts of your data analysis. Research Design Graph: Mean Mode Median Range SD B C D Overall Of the three measures of central tendency, which particular statistic best represents your data? Why did you think this statistic is an appropriate representation? 10 2. Visual analyses – Present the data using line graphs. Your graphs should be completely labeled and should be drawn according to the relevant conventions (e.g. vertical axes for the dependent measure; horizontal axes for time).
Practice Evaluation Report.
You are welcome to incorporate additional tables, bar graphs, and pie charts to illustrate the data. Based on the visual data you should make a conclusion on whether the problem improved, deteriorated or remained stable. Discuss the trend, stability, and the level of data in each phase. You may put the graphs in the appendix or in the text. You will be required to use WORD/EXCEL specific program to draw your graphs. 10 3. Line Graph – Presents data on a line graph, with axes, phases of the study clearly, title of graph, and the legend (if any) should be clearly labeled. If you are using a group design, you should also show data from individual participants.
Practice Evaluation Report.
Please use the SSD graph conventions, as discussed in class. 15 Discussion (50) In this section, you analyze the results based on the conceptual research discussed in the literature review section. You also discuss implications and consider future research ideas based on the data of this study. You would be expected to address the social impact of your study and consider issues of sustainability. Please use the following headings. Do not change or combine the section headings. 1. Important Results & Connections to Previous Research – Summarize the important results of your study in the first paragraph.
Practice Evaluation Report.
Were the study’s hypotheses supported? What findings were expected and/or surprising? How do these findings further the discussion of theoretical issues that were discussed in the literature review? How did the study’s findings inform the questions you raised in the literature review paper. Please cite, wherever possible. Extrapolate these conceptual issues based on your understanding of the results.
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