Presenting a persuasive speech. 2022 Best

This assignment involves presenting a persuasive speech. Paper details: Your major assignment is your speech. You will need to deliver and record a 4 to 6 minute persuasive speech.

Presenting a persuasive speech.

Read Chapters 11-16 on preparing and presenting a speech. You will need to get started early on this assignment, so you have plenty of time to prepare and record a persuade your listeners about a subject. For this last module there will be a Persuasive Speech graded at 32 points. Your major assignment is your speech. You will need to deliver and record a 4 to 6 minute persuasive speech. You should incorporate all the preparation and delivery skills that you read about in the textbook. You may use a visual aid for this speech, if you think it would be helpful to your topic and presentation, but make sure YOU are the focus of the presentation.

Presenting a persuasive speech.

This speech must be uploaded to YouTube as discussed in the syllabus. When your speech is ready for me to view: type the LINK TO YOUR SPEECH, your user name and password (in case I need to logon) in the submission box. Be sure to upload your speech with several hours (or days) to spare before the deadline, as often speeches can take several hours to upload. Do not submit the assignment until you are sure your speech is ready to view. YOU WILL NEED 2 SOURCES FOR YOUR SPEECH SO MAKE SURE THAT YOU PASTE YOUR SOURCES IN YOUR ASSIGNMENT BOX. Here are some guidelines to help you submit your speech as successfully as possible:

Presenting a persuasive speech.

1. Time limits are very important, so stay within the 4 to 6 minute time requirement; 2. STAND and use note cards for your speech – do not read your speech, using the cards only as a reference. DO NOT READ FROM THE COMPUTER SCREEN. Notecards are required. You may only remain sitting down if there is a medical reason why you must (inform me of this in advance if you must remain sitting). You will LOSE POINTS if you read directly from the screen. 3. Position the webcam so I can see your body to give you the most articulate and helpful feedback.

4. Avoid stopping and starting your webcam and editing your speech, make it as realistic as possible and record in one complete session. 5. Be sure your voice is clear.

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