Brochure- Public Health Organization Agency

 Public Health Agency/Organization Brochure.-

Example of brochures have been attached for reference. How to complete assignment Guideline to create brochure. 1.Create a front and back brochure of a public health agency/organization. The agency/organization must address one or multiple public health science(s). Epidemiology, biostatistics, environment and occupational health, health promotion and disease prevention, and health policy. 2. Each page must have the correct orientation when printed. The booklet is not an in depth study of a topic. But it should give enough information to grab and keep the readers interest from start to finish

.3.For the topic you choose, the brochure can inform, educate, persuade, explain, or instruct Be sure to. Use MS Word in Landscape mode, to change to Landscape. File / Page Setup / Paper Size / Landscape or PUBLISHER Sub titles to break the information into short quick-read sections Bullets to highlight important points. One Textbox containing important information, such as web sites to learn more. Graphics Use FULL JUSTIFICATION to visually balance the short blocks of text Checklist for brochure. Does the pamphlet give the name and address of the organization?. Did they clearly state the purpose of the organization?.

To begin with does the brochure list the organizations activities and/or services?. Secondly if appropriate, is there a calendar of events?. Thirdly if the organization has a product or service that it sells (or gives away) is that in the brochure?. Is the mission and vision stated? Does the brochure tell how to contact the organization?. Are the most important activities of the organization highlighted?. Does the pamphlet make the reader want to visit/receive services from this organization (or find out more about it)?.

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