Quantitative Analysis- Utilization of Assessment Data

Quantitative Analysis- Utilization of Assessment Data

Description: The interpretation and utilization of assessment data is critical in providing differentiated assessment to a diverse population of students. Utilizing case study assessment data provided by your professor, you will provide a quantitative analysis of the scores, an analysis of the student’s academic strengths/weakness, conferencing dialogue, and recommendations for remediation. Directions: Part 1:Identify the grade level, content area, and standards which represent the data presented in the chart(s) given to you by your professor. Draft a minimum of ten (10) questions which represent the data, include both formative and summative questions that align and match the learning objectives represented in your data. Prepare your data for analysis by calculating the following: Mean, median, mode Range, standard deviation.

Include your calculations (Show your work!)Create the following computer-generated reports – Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Frequency Tables (simple and cumulative), and a scatterplot. Conduct a quantitative analysis of your student’s scores. Write an analysis statement (1 to 1 ½ pages in length). Which explains what the statistics and reports (in steps 1 and 2) tell you about this student’s academic performance. In other words, what do the results mean and how will they influence your instructional strategies and decision making for this student? Design a remediation plan for this student. Further support your conclusions and decisions with APA citations from your textbook.

Further Description

Note: recommended instructional materials which can be utilized in the remediation process-Include software, web pages, books, games, and state adopted programs. In addition you should also consider research-base instructional strategies which one can model and scaffold as part of this process. As part of your assignment submission share possible conferencing dialogue that responds to the following . Firstly how would you use data during a collegial discussion to explain your instructional plan and practices involving this student (data-driven decision making)?. Secondly how would you discuss the student’s data results and your instructional plans with the student’s parents/guardians?** Remember to submit your information and responses in narrative form. Use APA citations to support your conclusions and statements!

Part 2: Firstly use an individual student’s standardized test data provided by your instructor to complete the following. Quantitative analysis of the actual scores- What do they mean? Analysis of the data- What academic strengths and weaknesses are do the scores indicate ? Support your conclusions with APA citations from your text. Recommended instructional materials which you can utilize in the remediation process- Include software, web pages, books, games, and state adopted programs. Conferencing dialogue- How would you discuss the data with the student’s parents/guardians? Recommended research based instructional strategies which can be modeled and scaffolder in the remediation process. Finally support your recommendations with APA citations from your text or peer reviewed journal articles.

Additional Instructions

Write up the information in paragraph form. Use APA citations to support your conclusions and statements. For your School of Education Portfolio Reflection, use the following to guide you in writing your reflection for this assignment: Paragraph #1: Artifact Description, Audience, Learning Theory Describe the assignment/artifact, the intended audience, and the learning theory that was applied. What did you do and who was it for? What learning theories or practices did you use to develop the artifact? Paragraph #2: Strengths/Improvements What are the strengths of this artifact? What would you improve? Describe what worked and what did not. Provide specific examples of what worked and what did not.

Paragraph #3: Professional Growth/Impact on student learning How did you grow as a professional because of creating the artifact, and how will it impact your future students’ learning? Explain what you learned. Give examples of how you will apply this learning in your future classroom.

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