Race and Deterrence 2022 Best
This paper explores race and Deterrence. (1) Braga et al. (2019), in the assigned article “Race, Place, and Effective Policing,” suggest that some of the social unrest that occurred in largely black communities after Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson (MO) [and more recently after George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis]
Race and Deterrence
Instructions: There is no need to relist or recopy each question in your submitted midterm. However, please be sure to clearly indicate which question or sub-question you are answering (e.g., 1a). This take-home exam is intended to be completed on your own, that is, without input or guidance from other students. You will need to submit your completed midterm in canvas by 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 19. I realize this is a somewhat unusual due date/time, but it simply reflects when I will start grading this assignment.
Race and Deterrence
Question 1. Race and Deterrence (1a, 1b, and 1c): 20 points (addressed in weeks 2 and 3) (1) Braga et al. (2019), in the assigned article “Race, Place, and Effective Policing,” suggest that some of the social unrest that occurred in largely black communities after Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson (MO) [and more recently after George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis] was attributable in part to the use of more aggressive policing practices, such as order maintenance and broken windows policing, that in some communities long predated these high-profile incidents. (1a) What are two suggested changes to policing that Braga et al. (2019) discuss that they feel would improve racial tensions in black communities?
Race and Deterrence
Historically, it has been argued that for punishment, or the threat of punishment, to be effective, it must satisfy three criteria in order to produce a general deterrent effect. (1b) Explain this statement. Pogarsky (2021) contends in his article on general deterrence, however, that we should invest more in policies, programs, or initiatives that deal with one criterion in particular. (1c) Which criterion of effective punishment does Pogarsky (2021) favor given the existing evidence, AND what are at least two explanations he offers for his position? https://youtu.be/g1th_3vlLd4
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