Racial Bias In The Court System
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•To practice finding, assessing, and using scholarly sources in APA or MLA style citation format, depending on your intended career/major
•To reflect upon the sources found and synthesize the ideas through drafting, using critical thinking skills
•To practice paraphrasing, summarizing, quoting, and incorporating the ideas of others (scholarly sources on our topic of study) within our work
•To further the journey of exploration/growth as a scholar and individual and hopefully to better understand and discover, through the process, what you still need/hope to learn about the topic of study
•To select a narrow, specific audience to persuade and inform on the topic for a specific purpose
Students are required to mark the following in the Word version of the paper: the thesis/main point of the paper, the sub points, and in the conclusion both the reiteration of the thesis and the call for action (what you hope your reader will do in response to the argument). Mark by bolding or underlining.
Position/argument paper on issue
When researching a topic and coming into contact with a variety of sources, students will generally form a research question or statement which becomes the focus of your paper. The best papers hone in on a specific narrow audience with a specific purpose/action in mind. Ideally, your paper needs to answer one important research question (have one main point/thesis) that is backed up with several reasons, each of which is supported by evidence, stemming from the sources. Feel free to add additional sources and to conduct an interview with an expert on your topic, if desired.
Stage One: Reflecting upon your sources and course discovery on your topic, formulate a thesis statement that helps you answer a question on your topic that goes beyond your discovery early one. Use that thesis/research question to organize your ideas. Your thesis/research question should attempt to argue a point on the topic…convince a narrow and clearly define audience (indicated in the paper but not necessarily the thesis itself), attempting to elicit an action or a change in beliefs from that audience.
Stage Two: Consider your four scholarly journal articles or textbook chapters on the area of study (Perform additional research to locate scholarly articles and texts to support your thesis and make a strong and convincing argument.)
•Target a particular audience for a particular purpose.
•Use information from your sources to make an important point about your topic.
•Students may not simply dump in the information learned from the summaries and/or rhetorical analysis paper and pass it off as a research paper…This paper may use some of the same ideas that you referenced in your other papers, but all ideas must be used to support the main thesis, back up the relevant points made in the paper, AND must be rephrased uniquely for this paper. In other words, you may not paste in whole sentences and/or paragraphs from your previous submissions without paraphrasing and citing.
Stage Three: Begin drafting Be sure to have a proper title, a fully engaging introduction that engages audience with a hook, provides some context/background on topic, and a thesis that previews the paper. Using subpoints with topic sentences, support the main thesis with adequate and relevant source information, citing in your semester citation style.
This paper will have an introduction, a body section that moves from point to point, and a conclusion. The parts will all be present but not necessarily labeled. This essay would be double-spaced, indented, with identifying information according to the prescribed citation style selected for the semester.
The following criteria must be adhered to:
•4-6 pages long, identifying information according to citation style, reference page (neither the cover or reference page count toward the 4-6 minimum)
•5 or more sources are required
•Be written clearly and expressively with a minimum of grammatical errors
•As per syllabus guidelines…all papers should be in Times New Roman 11 or 12 font