Racial truth and reconciliation 2023 Best
The aim of this assignment is to write an essay assessing what racial truth and reconciliation looks like as commanded by scripture and lived out in our world and your specific context today
Racial truth and reconciliation
Essay Assignment Instructions Overview You will write an essay assessing what racial reconciliation looks like as commanded by scripture and lived out in our world and your specific context today? Explain how this informs your view on missions, evangelism, and cross-cultural engagement? Instructions After reading the course material and watching the assigned video presentations, answer the above question in a 750-word essay: Content Tips: A strong introduction/thesis and conclusion are required. A strong analysis of the prompt with specific details is required.
Racial truth and reconciliation
Students must use specific examples from the assigned course materials. Cite the materials used when making your arguments in APA formatting. (See APA formatting quick guide under the assignment instructions.) Look over the grading rubric before starting this assignment. APA Formatting Tips: Use 1″ margins on all four sides of the page. Indent the start of a paragraph ½ inch from the left margin. Use Times New Roman font. Use 12-point font. Number pages consecutively in the upper right-hand corner starting with the title page. Double space the entire paper. No extra spacing before or after lines.
Racial truth and reconciliation
The APA style essay title page should include a title page, with the title of paper centered in the middle of the page, followed by your name and school affiliation, also centered and double-spaced. Grammar Tips: Avoid passive voice. Avoid grammar and spelling errors. Always have someone else read over your work before submitting. Because of the nature of the response, first person is accepted for this assignment. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. https://platform.virdocs.com/r/s/0/doc/59458/sp/179049630/mi/570938739. https://youtu.be/o8FNfK1mfJ8
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