Research paper on Parental Controls. 2023 Best

This is a research paper on Parental Controls. This partial draft writing assignment will be your first opportunity to use your topic thesis and secondary research from you portfolio to start writing the introduction and background of your report in APA 7 format.

Research paper on Parental Controls.

Research on Parental Controls. This partial draft writing assignment will be your first opportunity to use your topic thesis and secondary research from you portfolio to start writing the introduction and background of your report in APA 7 format. For this evaluation, you (and your partner) will submit a MSWord document to D2L for 15% and then defend your draft in an interview for 5%. The interview will take place during class hours after the partial draft is completed. You will speak for 3-5 minutes (individual/pairs) answering questions related to your topic, thesis, possible solutions, criteria, integration of research, etc.

Research paper on Parental Controls.

Task Using the APA title page you created in class, write the introduction, with your thesis statement, your background and some of your discussion details for your research topic. Refer to the appropriate PowerPoint materials in D2L to help you to plan your writing. · Create this writing assignment using MS Word (spell check, grammar check). · Format document using correct APA 7 formatting (font, margins, line spacing, heading) · Use at least 2 sources in your writing that are correctly formatted in APA 7 style. · Include the source information on an APA 7 formatted References page at the end of the document. · Include at least 1 visual (photo, image, chart, diagram, table) correctly formatted & cited.

Research paper on Parental Controls.

Review assignment Rubric to ensure you have completed all expectations for this assessment. · Submit this partial draft document to the designated D2L dropbox. · Check your Turn It In results in the D2L dropbox to ensure you have correctly cited sources and paraphrased properly to avoid plagiarism. Writing Expectations (15%) ð Meets expectations for word count (800 words written) ð Contains original written material formatted using APA 7 style ð Includes 1 quotation and 1 paraphrase from sources used in your research portfolio ð All formatting is APA 7 style; including prefatory elements (title page & ToC) ð Review assignment rubric.

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