Research project on organizational behavior. 2022 Best

This is a research project on organizational behavior. The objective of the research project is to aid in the development of your observation skills of work-related human behavior, to interpret and analyze those facets of the interrelationships of human behavior observed

Research project on organizational behavior.

As part of the course requirement, you will be expected to complete a primary research project. The objective of the research project is to aid in the development of your observation skills of work-related human behavior, to interpret and analyze those facets of the interrelationships of human behavior observed, to link or connect your observations to materials presented in the classroom, and to write a report on your findings. Procedure: Begin immediately Identify an organization (any type of organization) in which you have current direct contact on a regular basis.

Select a team or group within this organization of which you are a member. Select this team/group in which you have direct frequent contact (at least once or twice a week).

Research project on organizational behavior.

Do not tell the other members of the group that you will be observing them. Keep a log or journal of your observations. This journal should reflect observations over the entire semester. Be very detailed in your journal entries; write your journal entries in very descriptive terms. For example, if you observe group members interacting in some way, do not simply write ‘the group is interacting’. Rather, describe the nature of the interaction; i.e., who is communicating with whom; is there a group leader present?; etc. The rich description that you write in your journal is critical for your research report due at the end of the semester (see syllabus).

Research project on organizational behavior.

What to observe: A “What to Observe in Groups” sheet will help you identify various aspects of organizational behavior initially. Also, as you master each chapter of the material presented in the course, you will be able to add other materials to observe into your journal entries, particularly in the areas of interpretation of organizational behavior dynamics. Research Project Format is below. RESEARCH REPORT FORMAT The research report format for the Organizational Behavior Research Project is as follows: The research report will be written as a case study. Each of you have been exposed to case studies throughout your undergraduate program.

Research project on organizational behavior.

However, if you have forgotten what a case study looks like, refer to the examples in your weekly assignments. You will note that a case study is written in a very detailed, rich descriptive manner. That is why is it extremely important that your journal entries be written in great detail since your journal entries become the basis of your written report. Also take note that at the end of your case study there should be thought provoking questions (anywhere from 2-5 questions) for the reader of the case to consider.

The structure of a good thought provoking question should begin with the word ‘how’ or ‘why’, and should be open-ended enough to challenge the reader’s critical thinking skills, s well as our own.

Research project on organizational behavior.

Length: There is no prescribed length to the case study. However, an acceptable, high quality written case study will be from 3-5 pages, including the questions. The case study will be typed single space, with 1” page margins. It is not the length that is important; it is the rich description, and your ability to write the case that challenges and enhances a reader’s critical thinking skills. Do not write the case by giving the reader all of the answers, but rather, set up the situation through the written details that enable the reader to develop their own interpretation. Make the case very, very discussion oriented.

Research project on organizational behavior.

Additional requirement: At the end of your report, develop a discussion of the questions that you raise in your report. Do your own analysis here of the situation you have presented. Keep in mind that this research project is for a class in organizational behavior and should reflect your learning of OB issues throughout this semester. I realize that this written format may be different than any written work you have presented elsewhere. It requires a different way of writing and thinking. Research project on organizational behavior.

The case study format is a fun format to work with and I hope that through this device you will learn a great deal as well.

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