Lessons -Researching Your Own Practices
Researching your own practices – Lessons
Decide on two areas of focus that interest you from this list: How you start your lessons. How you finish your lessons. The range of interaction patterns you use in your classes. The roles of the teacher in your lessons. The roles of the learner in your lessons. The way you deal with spoken errors. The way you deal with written errors. The types of question you ask. The feedback you give on learners’ spoken work. The feedback you give on learners’ written work. The activity types you use in your lessons ii. Collect data from at least two of your own lessons on the two areas you have chosen through any combination of video recording, audio recording, observation notes from a colleague, your own field notes or feedback from learners.
Further Instructions
iii. Use the data from the lessons you have taught and relevant reading to analyze the chosen areas, or other areas of focus if these seem more important in the data (NB. Please check any change of focus with your supervisor). iv. Relate your analysis and reading to the methods/approaches you use in these lessons, and explain the thinking underlying your choice of methods/approaches. v. Conclude with a brief reflective piece on your experience of preparing and carrying through this assignment.3000 words (or equivalent)Guidelines This is an opportunity for you to learn about yourself as a teacher, so please choose your areas of focus accordingly and give your reasons for choosing them.
You will need to collect relevant and useful classroom data on your teaching, but please note that the main focus of this assignment is the analysis of your teaching, rather than the excellence of your data collection. If you choose audio or video recording as a means of collecting lesson data, please include relevant transcript extracts in the appendix of any segment of the lesson that you choose to focus on in your assignment. Any substantial chunks of data should be included as appendix material, but you may extract/quote from them in the body of your writing.
Attached Files