Rivers Are People Too. 2022 Best
For this assignment we will focus on topic #4 – Rivers Are People Too. The main ethical issues here are: 1) Do natural entities like rivers have “rights” like those accorded to humans? See especially the chapter on rights in your textbook (Chapter 5).
Rivers Are People Too.
Topic #4 – Rivers Are People Too. The main ethical issues here are: 1) Do natural entities like rivers have “rights” like those accorded to humans? See especially the chapter on rights in your textbook (Chapter 5). 2) What are the implications for humans should we grant rights to non-human entities? Are humans’ rights infringed if we grant rights to a river, for example? What should be in your paper: 1) A discussion of the background history and present situation. 2) What are the arguments for granting rights to environmental entities like rivers? What are the arguments against? 3) What might happen if rights were granted to many of our other natural resources (e.g., forests, animals)?
Rivers Are People Too.
4) What are the potential implications for business, agriculture, development, and “human rights” in general? 5) Some statement of your feelings on the matter, supported by facts and concepts of global ethics. Some sources to get you started (I expect you to include sources other than these!): 1) Search “Environmental Personhood” using the fUSIon library catalog: https://www.usi.edu/library . You will find LOTS of useful information there. 2) https://www.npr.org/2019/08/03/740604142/should-rivers-have-same-legal-rights-as-humans-a-growingnumber-of-voices-say-ye.
Rivers Are People Too.
3) https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/jul/25/rivers-around-the-world-rivers-are-gaining-thesame-legal-rights-as-people 4) https://e360.yale.edu/features/should-rivers-have-rights-a-growing-movement-says-its-about-time. Your work will be assessed on how well it does the following (these are general guidelines that might not apply to all four topics…): Content: Applies appropriate ethical theories to the ethical problem to be solved. Articulates ethical issues and identifies alternative positions for those issues. Articulates your own ethical viewpoint and defends it, using concepts of global ethics.
Rivers Are People Too.
Analyzes the global interconnectedness in this scenario, identifying the ways in which actors and issues in multiple countries intersect in this scenario. Analyzes the ethical challenges as they pertain to larger global issues and evaluates the local or broader consequences of human behavior. Mechanics and Style: Articulates a focused argument that is fact-based, articulately stated, and thought provoking, addressing the potentially significant aspects of the topic. Synthesizes evidence from multiple sources reflecting different approaches/multiple points of view. Organizes and synthesizes reliable evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences or similarities in the various positions.
Rivers Are People Too.
Consists of consistently well-structured and developed paragraphs that are organized around a clearly stated, well-positioned central argument. The argument is thoroughly and convincingly supported. Appropriate primary and secondary sources are used (as applicable). • The sentences are coherent (they are clearly linked) and unified (they stay on topic). • States a conclusion that is a logical extrapolation from the analysis • Complexity of thought and discussion stretch beyond what is immediately apparent. • The paper is free of errors in grammar and punctuation. https://youtu.be/ughe0cmVlYM
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