Sanctification and Ecclesiology.  2023 Best

This assignment involves writing a position paper on Sanctification and Ecclesiology.  So, based on the required “Elephant” and “Eucharist” essays, course lectures and discussion, as well as your reading of biblical books, Exploring Christian Theology, RetroChristianity, and Sojourners and Strangers, what is your current view of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper in the life of an individual believer (sanctification)

Sanctification and Ecclesiology.

Position Paper. Instructions (Although the requirement format says 2 double-spaced, please format the final paper in 1 single-spaced paper. Thank you) Based on the required “Elephant” and “Eucharist” essays, course lectures and discussion, as well as your reading of biblical books, Exploring Christian Theology, RetroChristianity, and Sojourners and Strangers, what is your current view of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper in the life of an individual believer (sanctification) and in the life of the church (ecclesiology)? Defend your position exegetically, theologically, and historically, where appropriate.

Sanctification and Ecclesiology.

Compose a one-page, single-spaced “position paper” addressing the above key issue in ecclesiology or sanctification. In this brief paper . . . Present your answer to a specific question based on course lectures or readings. Defend your response with biblical, theological, and historical arguments, and Document your answer appropriately with footnotes. Two Sample Papers are provided.

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