Sexual addiction 2023 Best
DB 12- Chapters 12 & 13 1. Find websites by people who say they have sexual addiction and read some first-person accounts. Is there a wide variety of different issues being loosely referred to as “sexual addiction,” or are the accounts from different sites all fairly similar?
Sexual addiction
DB 12- Chapters 12 & 13 1. Find websites by people who say they have sexual addiction and read some first-person accounts. Is there a wide variety of different issues being loosely referred to as “sexual addiction,” or are the accounts from different sites all fairly similar? 2. Find a video or infographic online that accurately describes the sexual response cycle (see content in chapter 12). Explain who this information is for and how it could be used as a method of informal sex education? (CHATT+? Social Media?) 3. Differentiate functional, high sexual activity from compulsive/dysfunctional sexual activity, and critically assess approaches to sexual addiction. (Connections to HSCI 319 welcome).
Sexual addiction
4. Do you support the concept of having surrogate partners? Why or why not? 5. Write a paragraph describing an STI you are not very familiar with. Why do you think you have not come across this info before? 6. List 3 STIs. List 3 diseases associated with STIs. (Make sure to watch the video, so you understand the difference) 7. How can regular testing for STIs contribute to responsible sex? (examples/scenarios welcome) 8. What one additional fact/video from the chapter stood out to you and why. DB 11- Chapter 11 1. State some of the reasons why some people choose to be child-free. Examples welcome.
Sexual addiction
2. Explore differences in at least two state laws on coverage of infertility treatments. What are the similarities and differences? 3. Explain the difference between a midwife and a doula. What training/certifications are needed for each? 4. After reviewing the information and charts on maternal mortality in the USA, describe the disparities various populations face. Use facts from this article to support your position. (other sources welcome) 5. Examine the article on paid parental leave. Why does the US continue to not provide paid parental leave? Find two states (or employers) that provide this benefit. What are the advantages of paid parental leave?
Sexual addiction
6. What one additional fact/video from the chapter stood out to you and why? DB10- Chapter 10 1. How was menarche discussed (or not) in your household growing up? After watching the video (Periods Around the World) how can you relate (or not)? Why do you think many males are intimidated by this topic? 2. Find a video or infographic online that accurately describes the three phases of the menstrual cycle (see content in chapter 10). Explain who this information is for and how it could be used as a method of informal sex education? (CHATT+? Social Media?) 3. From chapter 10, select one form of contraception that you are not super familiar with.
Sexual addiction
Find 2 online resources that explain the benefits/drawbacks of this method 4. Review the section on abortion. Using content from the text, why do you think this type of medical care continues to be controversial? (You are welcome to reveal your personal stance, and this is NOT required. Also, since this can be very personal, your response here can be a short 1-2 sentences.) 5. Where you already familiar with menopause and andropause? Why are these topics less discussed than other medical issues that impact adults (high cholesterol, cancer screenings)? 6. What one additional fact/video from the chapter stood out to you and why?
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