social class and educational outcomes. 2023 Best
Part A of this assignment explores the relationships between social class and educational outcomes. Drawing from the book Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life, 2nd Edition with an Update a Decade Later, by Annette Lareau explore the relationship between social class and educational outcomes.
Social class and educational outcomes.
Part A: Relationships between social class and educational outcomes. Drawing from the book Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life, 2nd Edition with an Update a Decade Later, by Annette Lareau explore the relationship between social class and educational outcomes. Explore the relevance of concepts such as cultural capital, social capital, natural growth, etc. Double-Spaced, Times New Roman Size 12 Font . (Excerpt quotations from Lareau and cite sources from Unequal Childhoods).
Social class and educational outcome.
Part B: Standards Activity – There are multiple current Standards for gifted programs (National, State, and Professional Organizations), with many having been adopted in the past couple of years. The Standards can be found on the NAGC website. Assignment 1: You are to look at NAGC and the MS Gifted Standards and write a reflection about what you learned. Assignment 2: You will also search three other state websites and explain whether the states are using Standards with their gifted education and which Standards they seem to be using.
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