Social psychological theories 2022 Best

Film Review. You will be searching a film for instances of the social psychological theories/phenomenon/concepts that we have studied in class: cognitive dissonance, gender theory, the self, conformity, persuasion, etc.

Social psychological theories

Paper Instructions: Social Psychology Applied Science Paper: Film Review. You will be searching a film for instances of the social psychological theories/phenomenon/concepts that we have studied in class: cognitive dissonance, gender theory, the self, conformity, persuasion, etc. You may select any film you would like, but make sure to select a film that you know will showcase these theories. This means that you will want to select a film that has characters interacting with each other often, perhaps even groups of characters. It is also best to stick in the realm of reality; even if it’s a cartoon or sci-fi make sure the characters behave like humans.

Social psychological theories

The details: After you watch your movie (or show/web series, just make sure it has enough content) write a 5 page double-spaced paper talking about what theories and concepts you found, describe how the characters acted them out (but don’t give me a film synopsis, simply describe what’s needed to show how the social psychology functioned in the film). You should be able to find AT LEAST 5 occurrences of social psych theories/concepts being used. For one of those occurrences you also need to find a piece of peer-reviewed research on the psychological concept you are applying to the situation you observe in the film.

Social psychological theories

You will use that piece of research to strengthen your argument for why the psychological concept used is a good fit to explain the scene in the film. Don’t panic, remember you only have to do that for 1 of the 5 instances of social psychology you observe in your film. Specifications: 5 pages double spaced (anything over is fine, but please no more than 10). This page limit only includes the text of your paper, not the title page or references, you also do not have to write an abstract. You will need to find 1 strong peer-reviewed scientific source. Paper is 12 or 11 pt. font with 1” margins. APA style

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