Social Research Methods 2023 Best
Winter 2023 SOC 310 Social Research Methods Paper Length: 700-1000 words Assignment 2: Conceptualization, Hypotheses, and Operationalization. Submit a hard copy at the beginning of class, and an electronic copy through Blackboard.
Social Research Methods
Winter 2023 SOC 310 Social Research Methods Paper Length: 700-1000 words Assignment 2: Conceptualization, Hypotheses, and Operationalization. Submit a hard copy at the beginning of class, and an electronic copy through Blackboard. Note: Be sure to write your paper in “essay” format (i.e., using paragraphs and complete sentences). Do not use bullets or number your points. After identifying a research topic, establishing some base research questions, and identifying relevant literature, the next step in the research process is to specifically identify how we are conceptualizing and operationalizing the concepts that we are interested in studying.
Social Research Methods
For this assignment, you will take the research propositions that you outlined in the prior assignment, identify how you are conceptualizing the concepts, establish specific, testable hypotheses, and then operationalize each concept in each of your hypotheses. 1. Based on the comments from Assignment 1, briefly re-state your 3 propositions, and all your concepts (this can be your introductory paragraph). 2. Provide a nominal definition for each of the concepts in your 3 propositions (that is, what you mean by each concept). Devote one paragraph for each concept. In each paragraph, discuss the various ways your particular concept could be defined.
Social Research Methods
Here you should supplement your discussion with at least one unique reference to a scholarly source per concept (a minimum of 3 unique sources total). In other words, how have other social scientists defined the same concept(s)? The best practice in sociological research is to measure concepts as others have done before, unless there is a compelling reason to measure it differently. If that is the case you must clearly state your reasoning. Conclude each paragraph with your nominal definition. Remember: In the conceptualization process you are not discussing research findings, and you are not explaining why you expect to find certain relationships.
Social Research Methods
Instead, you need to discuss how each concept, separately from the others, can be defined. Also, do not state how the concept will be measured—this is its operational definition. Example: The concept, socioeconomic status, may be defined in several ways. First, it is one’s position in society relative to others. It may be defined as economic, social, or some combination of the two. It may be considered as an inherited and/or achieved characteristic of an individual. Alternately, it may be defined as reflection of cultural taste. Blamataz (1995) defined socioeconomic status in terms of an achieved, economic status, as a combination of education and income.
Social Research Methods
For this study, then, I will define socioeconomic status similarly, as one’s position in society indicated by income. (Note: citation is fictional) 3. Now that you have nominally defined each of your concepts, translate each of your propositions into specific, testable hypotheses. For each of your propositions, derive one hypothesis. Each hypothesis should state a specific relationship between two variables. Example (from the above discussion on socioeconomic status): Proposition: Those with higher socioeconomic statuses are more religious than those with lower socioeconomic statuses.
Social Research Methods
Hypothesis: People with higher incomes tend to attend religious services more often than those with lower incomes. (Note that the variables used in the hypotheses are specific, observable counterparts to the concepts used in the propositions.) 4. Now that you have your hypotheses, you must operationalize each of your variables (don’t forget your outcome—your dependent variable!). In other words, describe how each of your variables will be measured in a survey question. In this part, you are going to provide three to five survey questions to measure your variables. q Pay special attention that all response choices are exhaustive and mutually exclusive.
Social Research Methods
q Be sure that you are able to identify your independent and dependent variables, and that you have at least one good question for each independent and dependent variable for at least one hypothesis. With some variables (especially the dependent variable), it’s good to have two (or more) questions. q It is required that all your questions have closed-ended response choices. (Quantitative(numeric) variables, such as “What is your age?” are an exception to this.) q Be very specific here. For example, if your variable is income, don’t simply say it will be measured by how much a person makes.
Social Research Methods
You need to specify whether it is individual or household income, income derived from what sources (paid employment, gambling, drug sales, etc.), over what time period. In other words, you have to make several decisions for each operational definition. 5. Finally, based on each operational definition and survey questions, state the level of measurement for each variable. Remember, most variables can be measured on different levels, so the level of measurement will depend on your specific operational definition. 6. Include a reference page following ASA guidelines, listing each in-text citation (minimum of three) that you included in your paper on the final page, and entitling it References.
Social Research Methods
Requirements: Formatting: The paper will be between 700 and 1000 words in Times New Roman, 11 or 12 point font, double spaced, and with 1 inch margins. The paper will be written in essay format (i.e. sentences and paragraphs). You will not use bullet points or number your points. Submission: You will submit a hard copy at the beginning of class AND an electronic version to the Blackboard by the beginning of class on the day the assignment is due. If you have printer problems or you cannot make it to class, you may submit a version to Blackboard and receive a 10% deduction.
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