Spatial Segregation in South Africa
Spatial Segregation In South Africa
Now that you have identified the ethnic and racial history of your city, now its time to research other differences correlated with those spatial concentrations. In Assignment 2, explore the consequences and implications of separation and exclusion. This assignment requires you to identify health, economic and educational consequences related to the areas you identified in the first paper. Your first paper explored historical segregation patterns. In this paper you will explore the consequences of segregation. Your paper should explore how health implications, educational spending, educational attainment and household income differ between ethnic and racial areas of concentration. 1. Explore healthy and unhealthy environments. Food Access – Use the food access map to identify areas of low and easy access to healthy foods.
Further Description Environment – Use Google Earth or other visual tools to explore the environmental quality of your city. Look for areas of concentrated green space and areas of concentrated paved spaces and recreational areas. Firstly identify nutritional options within different neighborhoods in the city you are studying. Then use Shortest Network Path and Ground-Truthed methods for evaluating accessibility to nutrition and healthy environments. 2. Secondly provide a description of the overlay of income, health and education with race. Use the dot map from your first paper along with your understanding of the historical context of the city to explain the foundations of difference as well as progress toward equity.
For each of the categories above, explain the implications of the differences you find with relation to inequity in income, schools and healthy environments. But also look for movements toward more equitable environments in the city. What to turn in: Your finished product should include maps as indicated above along with a narrative the clearly explains your understanding of the following. The state of segregation in the city you are working on. The state of socio-spatial difference with relation to income, healthy environments and access to healthy foods.
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