MODULE 5 SPONSORSHIP CASE STUDY. Students will write three (3) typed page report [no more / no less + 1 page references] dealing with the discussion topic and based on the instructor assigned scenario.


MODULE 5 SPONSORSHIP CASE STUDY. Students will write three (3) typed page report [no more / no less + 1 page references] dealing with the discussion topic and based on the instructor assigned scenario. The written assignment should be written in a modified case study format. The briefs should present rationale based on key theory presented in class / textbook. Focus on topic of class / recent classes. The written assignments must be handed in on the due date. Late assignments will result in lower points. The briefs should present rationale based on key theory presented in class / textbook USE THESE HEADINGS Recommended Decision –a couple sentences Use a SMART objective (if appropriate) State your decision and summarize your reasons.


If the case is dated, you must use today’s economic, technology, demographics, etc. Do not research what the “real” outcome might be, if there is one, this is about YOUR decision and rationale. Decision Criteria / Proof of Recommendation The criteria should be relevant and relatively broad. List 3-5 reasons [typically found within the case] why your decision is the correct course of action Focus on the strongest evidence that you have. Comparisons to other organizations in similar situations, facts, figures and research findings [you must include at least 2 academic journal citations- APA format, 1 citation to the case, AND 1 citation to your textbook AND 1 citation to a secondary data source] This is the minimum requirement. You should always exceed the minimum.


This will help support your decision. Critique of Options List why at least 2 other alternatives should be rejected. You should offer compelling evidence for the rejection. Major Disadvantage of Recommendation List a minimum of two major disadvantages of your recommendation, evidence supporting their existence and contingency plans to mitigate them. Unintended Consequences One implemented, how will stakeholders, competitors, and market react to your recommendation. You are NOT responsible for answering the case questions at the end of the case but should use them to guide you in your discussions. https://youtu.be/62Zt3BUr1Uc

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