Structural and cultural pluralism 2023 Best
In this assignment we will analyze dominant – minority relations, explain the difference between structural and cultural pluralism and cite examples of each.
Structural and cultural pluralism
Overview: For written assignments one and two, students will choose from the below prompts to answer in paper form. Each prompt will correspond to one of the chapter we will be reading during the semester. You will choose one prompt for written assignment one and another for written assignment two. Instructions: You will be evaluated by completing the following activities: Students will be required to complete three written assignments during the module. The first written assignment is due in Unit 3, the second is due in Unit 5, and the third is due in Unit 7. Rubrics will be used to grade your work. Assignments should be written in the format of the most current edition of the APA manual.
Structural and cultural pluralism
Each written assignment must be submitted via Blackboard and emailed copies will not be accepted. Policies in regard to turning work in late also apply to these assignments. Requirements: • Written assignment will need to be in APA style • All margins should be one-inch • Times, New Roman 12-point font • Double-Spaces • Title Page • Reference Page • Please note, the title and reference pages do not count toward you page requirements • Written assignments should be 4-5 pages in length • You must use a total of three additional scholarly, peer-reviewed sources Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.
Structural and cultural pluralism
Refer to the writing rubric for more details. Below are the prompts to choose from: 1. Why is it important to look beyond the United States when analyzing dominant– minority relations? What can we learn by taking a global perspective? Besides immigration, what other effects does globalization have on American dominant– minority relations? 2. Define pluralism, and explain the ways it differs from assimilation. Why has interest in pluralism increased? Explain the difference between and cite examples of structural and cultural pluralism and cite examples of each.
Structural and cultural pluralism
Describe enclave minority groups in terms of pluralism and in terms of Gordon’s model of assimilation. How have contemporary theorists added to the concept of pluralism? 3. Explain the various causes of prejudice, including the theoretical perspectives presented in this chapter. Explain and evaluate the research evidence that has been presented. Which theories seem most credible in terms of evidence? Why? Try to think of an incident—from your own experience, the news, or popular culture—that illustrates each theory.
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