Substance Abuse- Research Question and Implication
Research Question to Research Implication
Reflect on how much you have learned about social work research and the scientific method. What impact will you make on clients in social work practice now that you understand how research can improve the lives of clients? Recall these research question that you developed : i). Firstly what are some of the family or community intervention strategies that could be used to stop the continuation of drug abuse among teenagers? ii). Secondly what is the role of the family in preventing drug abuse among children? iii). Thirdly what are the potential dangers for family/community intervention toward eliminating drug abuse among children?• Therefore choose the five (5) best articles you found in this worksheet, and also apply three (3) of them to the Article Rating Template (ART) Worksheet documents attached.• On the ART worksheets, total the score of the article and answer the questions provided.
In addition to prepare for this Assignment: Resources. Firstly monette, D. R., Sullivan, T. J., DeJong, Secondly C. R., & Hilton, T. P. (2014). Applied social research: Thirdly a tool for the human services (9th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.• In addition Chapter 10, “Experimental Research” (pp. 256–288)Five (5) best articles worksheet: Journal Article Search Locating the Best Available Evidence Worksheet Article in APA Format Type of Study Tolan, P., Henry, D., Schoeny, M., Bass, A., Lovegrove, P., & Nichols, E. (2013). Mentoring Interventions to Affect Juvenile Delinquency and Associated Problems: A Systematic Review. Campbell Systematic Reviews 2013: 10. Campbell Collaboration. A systematic review Carney, T., & Myers, B. (2012). Effectiveness of early interventions for substance-using adolescents: Consequenly findings from a systematic review and finally meta-analysis.
Further Guidelines – Substance abuse
Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy, 7(1), 1-15. a meta-analysis Tripodi, S. J., & Bender, K. (2011). Substance abuse treatment for juvenile offenders: A review of quasi-experimental and experimental research. Journal of Criminal Justice, 39(3), 246-252. Quasi-experimental Kim, H. K., & Leve, L. D. (2011). Substance use and delinquency among middle school girls in foster care: a three-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 79(6), 740. Randomized control trial McLaughlin, A., Campbell, A., & McColgan, M. (2016). Adolescent substance use in the context of the family: A qualitative study of young people’s views on parent-child attachments, parenting style and parental substance use. Finally substance use & misuse, 51(14), 1846-1855.
Additionally a qualitative study Worksheet Search # Databases searched Search terms used Number of articles Author/year and also comments about the articles that are most appropriate for your problem1 EBSCO: Firstly psych Info, Secondly medline, ERIC, Academic Search Premier, Thirdly health Source Drug abuse AND finally adolescence or teenagers 1,301 Tolan et al., (2013) article discusses the connection between substance abuse and juvenile delinquency2 EBSCO: Psych Info, Medline, ERIC, Academic Search Premier, Health Source teenagers AND substance OR drug use AND aggressive behaviors 17,700 Carney & Myers. (2012) article discusses substance abuse and the behavioral outcomes3 EBSCO: Psych Info, Medline, ERIC, Academic Search Premier, Health Source teenagers OR drug adolescents AND substance abuse 16,800 Tripodi & Bender (2011)Article discusses the substance abuse treatment for juvenile offenders4 EBSCO:
Additional Information
Psych Info, Medline, ERIC, Academic Search Premier, Health Source substance use AND teenagers AND prevention AND juvenile delinquency 18900 Kim & Level (2011) article discusses prevention programs for substance abuse for middle school students5 EBSCO: Psych Info, Medline, ERIC, Academic Search Premier, Health Source Drug abuse or substance AND adolescence behavior AND aggressive behaviors 18000 McLaughlin et al., (2016) article discusses substance abuse in family and the impact on juvenile behaviors Submit the completed, appropriate ART worksheets for three (3) of the five (5) best articles you found in your searches. Finally use APA 7th edition citation and also references
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