Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management
To begin with Supply Chain Management in Action Researching trends and applying SCM concepts is crucial to learning more about the industry. Seeing how all parts work in the real world is critical to realizing implications of decisions. This module, you will ship beer using a class simulation that lasts one year. The game was developed in the 1960s. Before you begin, read the rules. Case Assignment Start a new game and play one year as a Manufacturer. It takes 15-30 minutes and you must play each game in one sitting. Therefore the computer will make automatically make decisions for the Distributor, Wholesaler, and Retailer. Play the game again as a Distributor. Play one year as a Wholesaler. Your final game will be as a Retailer. Consequently your goal is to maximize revenue for all members of the chain. Revenue will be available in Euros.
Game Experience: Debrief (1 page)• Firstly describe the manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, and retailer’s results based on debrief content that you place in the appendices of the paper. Game Experience: Debrief Analysis (2 pages)• Secondly through research, analyze the results and apply to real-world applications (research required).Best Practices Supplier Selection (3/4 page)• Research best practices for supplier selection (research required).• Connect with game results. Assess how actions of the manufacturer and distributor affected the supply chain (research required).Understanding Chain Relationships (1 page)• Research best practices for relationships within the chain (research required).• Connect with game results. Assess how the chain affects the retailer and wholesaler .The Consumer (1/2 page).
Additional Information
Research consumer behavior and economic implications of game scenarios (research required).Appendices Screenshot and paste the Debriefs for each of the four games you played.• Manufacturer Role Game 1: Global results• Manufacturer Role Game 1: The four charts• Distributor Role Game 2: Global results• Distributor Role Game 2: The four charts• Wholesaler Role Game 3: Global results• Wholesaler Role Game 3: The four charts• Retailer Role Game 4: Global results• Retailer Role Game 4: The four charts Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format.
Write the paper in third person; this means words like “I”, “we”, and “you” are not appropriate. For more information see Differences between First and Third Person. The excessive use of quotes or unoriginal content will directly impact performance since it suggests lack of comprehension and indicates that a student may not have mastered the concepts.
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