Systematic literature survey 2022 Best

The study will be done by conducting a systematic literature survey, with a following analysis of what changes the cloud has had on the work in digital forensic.

Systematic literature survey

Cloud forensics: how the cloud has changed digital forensic Paper details: The study will be done by conducting a systematic literature survey, with a following analysis of what changes the cloud has had on the work in digital forensic. This study will probably result in a report which illustrates the complexity which the cloud has brought on the digital forensic. If possible we will try to extract some generalized insight into how the prevalence of Cloud services shapes forensics efforts. The digital investigators must relate to where in the world the servers are located and the laws given there.

Systematic literature survey

The logs and traces previously found locally, may today be almost impossible to get to, or distributed across multiple physical locations Introduction Digital forensic is defined as “a branch of forensics which includes recycling, research, examination and analysis of material found in digital units, often connected to mobile devices and computer crime” (Wikipedia, 2022). Traditionally this work was done on computers, devices or peripherals locally or in a given geographical area (Lan, Wan etc.). With the internet came the opportunity to connect different computer networks with each other, independent of where they were located in the world.

Systematic literature survey

Making forensics processes spanning borders more commonplace and put a high demand on international judicial and political cooperation. With the introduction of cloud services, it was possible to utilize software located in the “cloud” with end to end encryption. Something which means that much of the evidence of use is stored in cloud servers somewhere in the world. This study will consider what challenges the introduction of the cloud has had on the work in digital forensics. What challenges entails this transference of storage, software and services from locally to servers located in (un)known places in the world?

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