Tag Archives: artificial intelligence

Retaining quality employees. 2022 Best

This paper explores the Challenge of Attracting and Retaining quality employees. Using scholarly research and other reputable sources, you must describe the trend/challenge, and, where appropriate, potential causes and solutions.

Retaining quality employees.

Assignment: Team Project Points: 150 points total, divided across the team contract (5), checkpoint #1 (5), checkpoint #2 (20), paper and presentation (110), peer rating (10). Task: Work in groups of 4ish to analyze and report on a HR trend/challenge. Using scholarly research and other reputable sources, you must describe the trend/challenge, and, where appropriate, potential causes and solutions. Your work will be documented in a 10-12 -minute presentation and a 7 – 10-page paper (double-spaced, excluding references). Steps: 1. Form your team. 2. Complete your team contract.

Retaining quality employees.

3. Checkpoint # 1: Identify a current trend/challenge relevant to HRM (e.g., diversity and inclusion, pay inequity, workforce management post-COVID, artificial intelligence). 4. Conduct a thorough review of the topic, exploring the issue/trend from all sides and integrating this with information from class. Your paper and presentation should address the following: a. How would you describe the trend/challenge? How is it related to HRM? What impact does it have on HRM? b. What are the potential causes and/or history of the trend/challenge? c. Providing specific recommendations, how can the trend/challenge be addressed?

Retaining quality employees.

d. What are the potential negative consequences of not addressing the trend/challenge? Are there any potential negative side effects of your recommendations? If so, how can they be mitigated? 5. Checkpoint #2: Draft an outline and tentative reference section. 6. Write your team project paper: Document your review in a paper that is 7 – 10-pages. This paper should be double-spaced. 7. Based on your paper, develop a 10 – 12-minute team project presentation. 8. After delivering your presentation, complete the team project peer review. A Note on References: 1. You must use at least 3 peer-reviewed/scholarly references. https://youtu.be/dmnUoK1mVu8

Retaining quality employees.

2. You must cite your textbook. 3. You may also use other reputable sources, such as practitioner resources. All resources you use should be reputable. 4. You must have a reference section and, where applicable, in-text or footnote citations. References should be formatted in APA or Chicago style. a. Remember – any information from another source needs to be cited – not just quotes!

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Recruitment and selection policies 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing an essay that addresses the question below: Recruitment and selection policies and practices are said to be crucial to the achievement of corporate and business strategy.

Recruitment and selection policies

The essay should be 2000 words in length (+/- 10%). Essay Question: Recruitment and selection policies and practices are said to be crucial to the achievement of corporate and business strategy. Critically assess how such achievement can be secured. Essay outline: · Define recruitment, selection and talent management · Linking people resourcing to strategy o Supporting employer brand with the employee value proposition o The role of workforce planning · Methods of recruitment · Selection methods · Supporting reliability and validity in the selection process

Recruitment and selection policies

· CIPD factsheets are a good starting point but your core texts will help. This is a good summary: Derous, E., & De Fruyt, F. (2016). Developments in recruitment and selection research. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 24(1), 1-3. · Course textbook: Henderson, I. (2017). Human Resource Management for MBA and Business Masters, (3rd ed). London: CIPD. · Use a chart if needed for the recruitment and selection process (CIPD, 2021). · Use the above references with additional references from below:

Recruitment and selection policies

References: · Akhtar, R., Winsborough, l., Lovric, D., & Chamorro-Premuzic, T. (2020) Chapter 10. “Identiying and managing talent in the age of artificial intelligence”, in Oswald, F., Bahrend, T., & Foster, L.(Eds) (2020) Workforce Readiness and the Future of Work, 1st Edition. RoutleArmstrong, M. (2011). Armstrong’s handbook of strategic human resource management. Kogan Page Publishers, London. · Armstrong, M. (2011). Armstrong’s handbook of strategic human resource management. Kogan Page Publishers, London.

Recruitment and selection policies

· Atkinson, J. (1984) “Manpower Strategies for Flexible Organizations”, Personnel Management, August, pp 28 – 31. · Botha, A., Bussin, M., & De Swardt, L. (2011). An employer brand predictive model for talent attraction and retention. SA journal of human resource management, 9(1), 1-12. · CIPD (2021) Resourcing and Talent Survey, CIPD, Wimbledon. · CIPD (2018) Workforce Planning accessed at https://www.cipd.co.uk/Images/workforce-planning-guide_tcm18-42735.pdf on June 13 2022.

Recruitment and selection policies

Deloitte (2020) Activating the internal talent marketplace accessed at https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/focus/technology-and-the-future-of-work/internal-talent-marketplace.html on 13 June 2022. · Douglas, R., Duffy, R., England, J., & Gensmer, N. (2020) Chapter 1: “The psychology of working and workforce readiness: how to pursue decent work”, in Oswald, F., Bahrend, T., & Foster, L.(Eds) (2020) Workforce Readiness and the Future of Work, 1st Edition. Routledge, London.  https://youtu.be/sxjgL64czRY

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