Tag Archives: children’s literature

Analyze literary works 2023 Best

Analyze literary works

This assignment asks you to analyze literary works from a range of periods, genres, and forms (including but not limited to novels, poetry, songs, picture books, and graphic texts) and discuss how they reflect historical, social, cultural, and political developments ·

Analyze literary works

Critical Essay #2 Student Learning Objectives: · Students will demonstrate knowledge about the history of the “child” as a social, cultural, and political construct from its inception to today · Students will analyze literary works from a range of periods, genres, and forms (including but not limited to novels, poetry, songs, picture books, and graphic texts) and discuss how they reflect historical, social, cultural, and political developments · Students will analyze and discuss how Marvel reflect historical, social, and cultural attitudes of children–both as subjects and as consumers of the genre · Students will speak and discuss key characteristic and significant themes of children’s literature

Analyze literary works

Students will speak and write critically about this body of works and their perspectives, and arguments · Students will gather evidence from a variety of sources to support a critical statement · Students will demonstrate understanding of the writing process and the features of academic writing, producing original critical arguments Submission Guidelines: Your essay should adhere to all of the following guidelines: · MLA format: 12-point font; 1” margins all around; double spaced · 4-5 typed pages in length (approx. 1, 200 words) · Have an original title (please do not title your essay: Critical Essay 3 or Essay 3) · Have an introduction that explains the topic that you will explore in your essay and clearly states your perspective on the topic.

Analyze literary works

Have a number of body paragraphs o Arguable statements that support your perspective o Specific examples from text (you need to use quotes from the novel or paraphrase/describe the scenes that you are responding to) o Analysis that explains how the examples from the text support your claim(s) · Have a conclusion that closes your discussion. This should not be a repetition of your introduction · Have a Works Cited page in MLA format · Submission guidelines: Essay should be submitted as a word.doc attachment file to Blackboard. If you have any difficulties uploading this file, please notify me as soon as possible.

Analyze literary works

File name should follow the following format: last name_first name_CR2 o Example: Bran_Brenda_CR2 Prompt One of the main genre conventions of children’s literature is its didactic purpose. Stories meant for children often convey morals, social norms, and lessons about life that society deems important for children to know. However, when considering pre-teen and teenage transition, narratives often shift towards themes of secrecy through which characters ultimately develop a stronger sense of identity and self. In Marvel we are introduced to a protagonist who attempts to balance her normal everyday life with the demands of the fantasy space she inhabits.

Analyze literary works

With Kamala, we see the day-to-day reality of a first-generation Muslim Pakistani American girl. Further complicating her life, she has taken on roles that consistently put them in harm’s way. Pick one of these texts and write an essay in which you explore the role of secrecy in identity formation. What does the text attempt to communicate to young audiences about identity, social norms, and the expectations placed on them as young people? What didactic purpose does the text you’ve chosen attempt to make and in what ways does this text add to or challenge our modern conception of “the child”. https://youtu.be/pr4BjZkQ5Nc

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Concrete poetry assignment 2023 Best

Concrete poetry assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to create a concrete poetry assignment (including directions and a sample poem) for your early childhood classroom. Concrete poetry is a type of poetry in which the words of a poem are given a visual representation in the shape of the poem itself.

Concrete poetry assignment

Paper details: Concrete poetry is a type of poetry in which the words of a poem are given a visual representation in the shape of the poem itself. The visual shapes of the poems are just as important in conveying the intended effect as the poem’s content, such as meaning, words, rhythm, rhyme, etc. The term “concrete poetry” was coined in the 1950s by Brazilian poets and its principle tenet is that using words as part of a specific visual work allows for the words themselves to become part of the poetry, rather than just unseen vehicles for ideas. Concrete poems have been created based on the shapes of stars, cats, apples, trees, candles, faces, and many other shapes.

Concrete poetry assignment

The words or content that create each shape align with the shape itself. For example, the shape of an airplane is created with associated content, ascending into the sky. The words that make the airplane outline state, “a flick, a shudder to soar, a push–the nose, the wings held high and steady–the plane is ready to touch the sky.” As our textbook mentions, poetry can foster creativity. Concrete poetry is particularly effective in early childhood education because it merges the two most important elements of children’s literature: content/narrative and illustration.

Concrete poetry assignment

Instructions Your assignment in this module is to send home a concrete poetry assignment (including directions and a sample poem) for your early childhood classroom. In this mock assignment, the student and his/her parent/guardian will create a concrete poem using/tracing the outline of one of each of their hands. The child and family member must describe how they use their hands, what they like about their hands, and/or why hands are important.

Concrete poetry assignment

Once you complete your directions to send home with a child and your sample hand poem to be attached to these directions, you will ask a friend/family member (preferably one with a child) to complete the second page as if they were your student and parent.  Then, you will scan both pages and attach them online for grade submission. Have fun and be creative! Please review the following templates for this assignment; each template is numbered. You may use these templates as your own documents or create something similar.

Concrete poetry assignment

Download Concrete Poetry Pages 1–2Download Concrete Poetry Pages 1–2 Download Concrete Poetry Page 3Download Concrete Poetry Page 3 You may also wish to print the assignment instructions: On page 1, clearly type or hand write directions to the parents and students, defining concrete poetry and outlining the project (stay positive, write in letter format, and write clearly on half of the horizontal page). Also, you may use phrases from the description above or below when defining concrete poetry in your directions.

Concrete poetry assignment

On page 2, create a sample “hand poem” that you have completed with the outline of your own hand on the other half of the horizontal page. You may write and/or draw inside your hand, around the edges, in the fingers, etc. It may rhyme or not. There are no limits with concrete poetry! Be creative so you will inspire the student and his/her parent to be creative! Page 3 will be a completed set of “hand poems” by a parent/guardian and child. Please prep the horizontal space for the parent/guardian as if you would really send this home by labeling the spaces, drawing a line down the center, etc.

Concrete poetry assignment

Although this may be a friend and his/her child, please imagine this is your student and his/her parent/guardian. Upload both complete documents. Evaluation: After completing the assignment, evaluate and consider how you did. If you were to use this assignment in an early childhood education classroom, how would you alter or change it? What did not work so well? https://youtu.be/or4HGck4g2o

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